Tag Archives: Chiespirit




Post: 02/06/2018

…and today, as with yesterday, I LAUGHED with myself in the delight of God’s beautiful nature CREATION!…Knowing that at any time, ALL of US are only 7 Seconds away…and not until that 7 seconds, nothing of our human creation (besides LOVE) matters! We Are Not Maneuvering (De Nous ne Faire pas )!  Me, De Mon Faire, until I realized, I’m not Maneuvering (De Mon ne faire pas)! It’s time to think about UNIVERSAL LOVE (Love that God from the creation of the Universe, has rooted in all of his creation)! Also considering this is the Age of Aquarius we can’t tolerate not to consider the opposite side of negative emotions: We can not continue to blame the victim of sorts, when it takes all of us, in every single day to day interaction! No one is acting alone or doing anything alone. Thus all are just as guilty or not guilty!

The following song is by Youssou N’Dour and Neneh Cherry and was released in 1994. It is Chi-Espirt, as it seeks to remove the differences of what it is that we don’t do-regarding LOVE. And point out that which we lack to consider in our own “Des Faires” the future, each and every child that’s born!



Don’t see me from a distance, don’t look at my smile

And think that I don’t know what’s under and behind me

I don’t want you to look at me and think

What’s in you is in me, what’s in me is to help them


Roughneck and rudeness,

We should be using, on the ones who practice wicked charms

For the sword and the stone

Bad to the bone

Battle is not over

Even when it’s won!

And when a child is born into this world

It has no concept

Of the tone the skin is living in


It’s not a second, seven seconds away

Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waiting

It’s not a second, seven seconds away

Just as long as stay, I’ll be waiting

I’ll be waiting,

I’ll be waiting

I assume the reasons that push us to change

I would like that they forget about their color,

so that they can have hope

Too many views on race that make them desperate

I like the doors wide open

So that friends can talk about their pain and their joy

Then we can give them information, that will bring us all together


It’s not a second, seven seconds away

Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waiting

It’s not a second, seven seconds away

Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waiting

I’ll be waiting,

I’ll be waiting

And when a child is born into this world

It has no concept

Of the tone of the skin he’s living in

And there’s a million voices!

And there’s a million voices!

To tell you what she should be thinking!

So you better sober up for just a second!

Seven seconds away

Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waiting

It’s not a second, seven seconds away

Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waiting

Post: 01/22/2018


 The Age of Aquarius refers to, every 2,150 years, the sun’s position at the time of the March, or vernal, equinox moves in front of a new Zodiac constellation. The Age of Aquarius begins when the March equinox point moves out of the constellation Pisces and into the constellation Aquarius. The beginning of the Age of Aquarius is based upon IAU constellation boundaries, which astrologers or New Age practitioners might or might not choose to use in their computations. Nevertheless, the world computations are based upon, The International Astronomical Union (IAU) which began it’s duty of defining all things astronomical in 1930.

For the purpose of Chiespirt, I will assume like most Astrologist that the Age of Aquarius actually began in 2012. That’s because they believe the star Regulus in the constellation Leo the Lion, marked the ancient border between the constellations Leo and Cancer. This star moved to within 30o of the September equinox point in 2012, meaning that Regulus left the sign Leo to enter the sign Virgo in that year. Presuming equal-sized constellations in antiquity, that places the border of the constellations Pisces and Aquarius at 150o west of Regulus, or at the March equinox point. By this reckoning, the Age of Aquarius started in 2012.

From 0 A.D. to the present we have been in the Age of Pisces. Pisces values are being wiped out, causing unprecedented change and upheaval in our lifetime. And we’re not done yet. The Piscean values of money, power and control are being replaced. Today with the growth of BITCOINS and a shift to a Service Economy, the change from a materialistic collective people to innovative co-assisting people is occurring. This change is also seen in Abraham Maslow’s work, which details the accomplishment of the physiological level of existence in the United States. We have accomplished all but one of Maslow’s variables and that is housing. It is no surprise that across the nation, housing and homeless is becoming a huger issue of social non-equality and improvised standard of living.  Read: #4 Maslow Theorem, which details Maslow’s Coping Mechanism Society of today as we shift to a Expressive Mechanism Society, marked by societal co-assisting each other to a higher quality of physical living and spiritual living. http://paulgoree.blogspot.com/2015/08/maslow-theorem-great-society-poverty-in.html

The Aquarian Age will be dominated by networks, and information. The key phrase for this age is “Be to be.” The key to the astrological sign Aquarius is “I know.” This is the age of information. Nothing is secret anymore. All information is available at your fingertips. Where the Piscean age was organized in a vertical, up and down structure of hierarchies, the Aquarian Age is organized in a horizontal network, opening the world up to true equality.  Chiespirt represents the conscious awareness of the universe creator (GOD) and his creation of all things on earth and within the universe. The more people become consciously aware of CHIESPIRT, the more we will embrace the Aquarian shift, the easier this transformation will go for humanity. It is a spiritual truth that a small percentage of people who have shifted their consciousness can influence the rest of humanity. If you are reading this, then you are most likely one of these pioneers. Find a way to spread your light: teach, heal, create community networks, serve, sacrifice, love. Welcome to the Aquarian Age!

In Sarah Davidson’s work,  ‘It’s Happening: The Global Shift in Consciousness Is Underway and Right on (Mayan) Time’, she details events that have changed us as individuals and as a society.

It’s undeniable, impossible to describe and whatever it is, it’s manifesting into an intense and palpable energy, crossing all boundaries and all sectors and affecting everyone on every level.

It’s the uncertainty. It’s the cliffs. It’s the freaking apocalypse. It’s the shootings — my GOD, the shootings. It’s the desire for something different, the fundamental recognition that things need to change, and it’s the nervous excitement suddenly present because we know they just might. The world is “at a critical juncture in human history,” according to the recently released National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends Report, and tomorrow — Friday, December 21st, 2012 — just so happens to be the day the Mayans predicted would be the end of the world as we know it; a global shift in consciousness.

Today we are facing unprecedented tragedies and challenges both in the United States and around the world. These are coupled with the past year of “century” weather patterns, and topped off by the sluggish global recovery from the most interconnected economic downturn our planet has ever known.

All of these are indicators that things are not alright.

At the very least, things are shifting. According to geologists and economists alike, we’ve entered the Anthropocene — the age of man — which follows the relatively stable Holocene period. According to a report released by the Smithsonian in October, 2012:

A consensus has been reached that the tremendous scope of transformations now occurring on the Earth, with profound effects on plants, animals, and natural habitats, is primarily the result of human activities…. On a geological scale the planet has entered a new era. Natural processes that control the functioning of the planet have been interrupted, refashioned, or accelerated over the last thousand years by human civilization. No longer can nature be studied or understood in isolation from the human world.

This is the first time that human beings have lived in a world that we have created through human activity. Our growing population and subsequent demand for natural resources has caused us to extract to the extreme and to unintentionally impact the world around us to such a severe degree that we have formed our own climate, one that produces less snow and more Sandys, one that exposes our vulnerabilities in the face of extreme weather, and one that calls us to question whether or not we are safe in our current surroundings. It’s not just the weather, either. We’ve also created a world where we are seemingly more interconnected than we have ever been, yet we have lost our ability to really connect; we’re terrified of each other.

So here we are, today, facing these global challenges as a divided species. But these challenges are not insurmountable and now, the day before the alleged end it all, it is time for us to charter a new course and recognize that we can take these challenges on as one unified group…

READ MORE AT: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/sarah-davidson/its-the-end-of-the-world-_b_2338569.html

Books To Read, regarding Chiespirt and the Aquarian Age:

Elevate Your Spirit and Soar!

The greatest gift we can give or receive is recognition by others. We all want to feel happy, but in order to experience happiness at the deepest level, we need to feel acknowledged. It is, indeed, an art that transforms internal beliefs and feeds the soul with love and acceptance. In The Art of acknowledgement, author Margo Majdi reveals the power and process of acknowledgments in all aspects of our lives. This life-changing book will change your relationship with others and yourself, as well as the way you communicate with the people and world around you, as you learn to:

n Messages from Beyond the Veil: Spiritual Guidance for Our Human Experience, you will read recorded messages from spirits who lived on Earth. You will learn who and what God is, how He creates, why He created us, and that our souls are immortal. You will learn what life is like in the spiritual realms; about life in a world without time, where past, present, and future exist simultaneously.

An understanding will come to you, no matter what religion you practice, or what beliefs have been instilled in you-an understanding that dispels your fears and creates a deep calm and a sense of purpose in your life.


In the rain forests of Peru, an ancient manuscript has been discovered. Within its pages are 9 key insights into life itself — insights each human being is predicted to grasp sequentially; one insight, then another, as we move toward a completely spiritual culture on Earth. Drawing on ancient wisdom, it tells you how to make connections among the events happening in your life right now and lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come. The story it tells is a gripping one of adventure and discovery, but it is also a guidebook that has the power to crystallize your perceptions of why you are where you are in life and to direct your steps with a new energy and optimism as you head into tomorrow.

Age Of Aquarius: Let The Sunshine: The 5th Dimension: 1969


Post: 01/21/2018


Emotions are the feelings we express as we interact with ourselves (reflective thoughts), others and the environment. They are derived from the state of mind, by which circumstances, mood, temperament, personality and relationship toggle associated stimuli and natural hormones. There is also an instinctive or intuitive feeling as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge that comprises our emotions. Cognition provides the basis by which emotions in some aspect are mentally processed. For example:  One may have the realization that makes them believe,  they are in a dangerous situation and the subsequent arousal of their body’s nervous system responds by -rapid heartbeat and breathing, sweating, muscle tension-. All of this is integral to the experience of our feeling afraid.

Emotions are complex. According to some theories, they are states of feeling that result in physical and psychological changes that influence our behavior. The physiological of emotion is closely linked to arousal of the nervous system with various states and strengths of arousal relating to emotions.  Emotion is also linked to behavioral tendency. Extroverted people are more likely to be social and express their emotions, while introverted people are more likely to be more socially withdrawn and conceal their emotions. Emotion is often the driving force behind motivation, positive or negative. Emotions involve different components, such as subjective experience, cognitive processes, expressive behavior, psycho-physiological changes, and instrumental behavior.  Overall, emotions can be defined as a positive or negative experience that is associated with a particular pattern of physiological activity.  Emotions produce different physiological, behavioral and cognitive changes. The original role of emotions was to motivate adaptive behaviors that in the past would have contributed to the survival of humans. Emotions are responses to significant internal and external events.

The following work is by Aristole, and beings a Chi-Espirt focus on emotions.

Aristotle: Theory of Emotions


Aristotle’s preferred term for the emotions was pathos [pl. pathe], which makes the emotions largely passive states, located within a general metaphysical landscape contrasting active and passive, form and matter, and actuality and potentiality. The pathe are first and foremost responses found in the embodied animal to the outside world, very much like perceptions. They can thus be associated broadly with matter insofar as they represent capacities or potentialities that need to be actualized by external causes, which also explains how they are directed at objects. Of course, the pathe are not pure potentialities. They are actualized in the experience of an occurrent emotion, and even the mere capacity to experience pathe requires a determinate form, a soul. Moreover, the pathe have close connections to action, and Aristotle treated them as movements of a sort. For all these reasons, the pathe can be attributed to the soul insofar as the soul informs a body. Yet since their causes lie outside of the animal who experiences them, the question arises whether and to what extent we can control them.

That is a question addressed in several different ways by the most important Aristotelean texts on the pathe available to later ancient and medieval authors: the Nicomachean Ethics and Rhetoric. Each work presents lists of emotions, although where the Nichomachean Ethics serves up 11, the Rhetoric dishes out a full 14. They differ too in their aims and tenor: the Nichomachean Ethics is concerned with the place of the pathe within the economy of acting according to our habits and desires as moderated by reason, whereas the Rhetoric concerns the arousal and management of pathe in the context of producing persuasion. In both cases, however, the pathe are treated as susceptible to rational influence and voluntary action, although not directly subject to choice.

The Nichomachean Ethics characterizes pathe as the “feelings accompanied by pleasure or pain,” listing appetite, anger, fear, confidence, envy, joy, love, hatred, longing, emulation, and pity as examples (1105b21). Nonetheless, it will be easiest, as well as consistent with the bulk of Aristotle’s analyses, to treat pathos as more or less equivalent to desire, or appetite in the broad sense. (The Rhetoric makes the identification explicit, e.g., at 1378a31. But just to keep things interesting, De Anima, treats the pathe, along with “desire” and “wish,” as a species of appetite at 414b3). The pathe form one of the three main categories found in the soul, distinguished from faculties, on the one hand, and states [hexeis], on the other. They are, however, very closely associated with the latter. States constitute the virtues [arete] or vices of the non-rational part of the soul, which can, however, either conform to or violate right reason. They do so through their connections with actions. The pathe, along with the appetites, motivate action (even to the point of provoking bodily changes such as internal temperature, color and expression). The dispositions to feel them in certain ways are, in turn, shaped by our habits of action, and states may be understood as the dispositions to feel particular kinds of pathe on certain occasions. States are, in fact, “the things in virtue of which we stand well or badly with reference to the passions [pathe]” (1105b26).

The pathe are not themselves virtues or vices. But states are, and that means that the pathe are morally significant. More generally, because emotional experience is intrinsic to any life, any account of the good life must give them their due. Now, certain pathe (spite, envy) are always bad. But despite characterizing the human good as a life exercising “activity of the soul in conformity with excellence [or virtue]” (1098a16), and despite counting reason (but not feeling pathe) as a distinctively human activity, Aristotle took the excellence of the excellent human to consist partly in experiencing pathe in the right way, to the right extent, and on the right occasions. Indeed, the cultivation of character is largely a matter of cultivating the disposition for appropriate experience of the pathe, which is as important as developing our abilities for deliberative reason. The appropriate emotional dispositions may, in fact, be even more crucial to the good life, since our capacity to feel the passions seems intrinsic, while our ability to reason develops with maturity and can be crucially affected by our emotional dispositions. In any case, the truly excellent person will not only reason well about what to do in particular situations, but will feel the appropriate desires and pathe in those situations. For this reason, the intellectual virtue for deliberating about what to do, phronesis, is distinguished from the other practical intellectual virtues of techne in part by its involvement with pathe.

This comfortable relation between the emotions and reason, however, hits some snags when Aristotle turned to the distinctive ways in which we can fail to act well. For example, the akratic, or weak-willed person, recognizes what should be done without actually doing it. Aristotle’s solution to this puzzling, if common, phenomenon, was to lay the blame at the feet of some pathos, particularly the pathe of either anger or pleasure. Here these pathe might seem to oppose reason. Aristotle, however, appears to have thought of them more as exercising a cognitive interference that disrupts our completion of the practical syllogism than as an external force overturning our otherwise smoothly operating reason. (For this reason, the pathe seem to have cognitive aspects themselves; see Kraut 2005). In contrast, the enkratic person feels the same disruptive pathos, but does not give way to them in action. The enkratic is thus superior to the akratic, but still not as admirable as the person who feels the pathe as the virtuous person would, that is, in accord with the dictates of right reason. So Aristotle’s ethical works treat the pathe both as susceptible to reason and as integral to the good life, even as they allow that the emotions can impair our reason.

The risk of emotional disruption of our reason and the management of the emotions are topics explored much further in the Rhetoric. That Aristotle would even consider the topic is noteworthy, for it suggests that techniques for producing belief, among which appeals to emotion are prominent, need not be relegated to sophistry, but make a proper subject for philosophy. Things seem a bit less rosy, however, when we turn to the three distinct sources of persuasion Aristotle admitted: trust in the character of the speaker, the passions of the audience, and the “proof, or apparent proof, provided by the words of the speech [logos] itself” (1356a4). The first and last seem sources that are themselves reasons – either reasons for holding it probable that the speaker’s conclusions are true, or reasons for the conclusion itself. But arousing the audience’s passions seems another matter altogether. Indeed, Aristotle here characterized the pathe as “all those feelings that so change men as to affect their judgments, and that are also attended by pain and pleasure” (1378a21), for which he produces the example of anger, exactly the interfering pathos held responsible for any cases of akrasia. But despite the acknowledged risk that the pathe can be used for sophistic ends, warping our beliefs and decisions and producing commitments on indefensible grounds, Aristotle did not hold that all emotional appeals must do so. The problem with sophistic rhetoric is that it makes its emotional pitch in ways independent of the subject under discussion, perhaps even distracting from the subject at hand (e.g., by invoking anger at Al Qaeda, while considering the merits of invading Iraq).

Presumably, however, a particular subject may have characteristics that themselves provoke certain emotions, indeed that should provoke certain emotions, and appropriate rhetoric will highlight those features without ever leaving the subject at hand. In this respect, the arousing of emotions might even count as a kind of salience argument for the beliefs so produced (e.g., anger at particular outrageous events can serve as a reason for believing that a politician should be impeached).

More generally, the pathe pervade our lives; our judgments are always affected by our emotions and moods, not just in perverse and pernicious cases. In this respect, any rhetorician attempting to produce belief must take account of the emotional state of her audience. This is true whatever her motives might be. Aristotle considered the true to be inherently, but not overridingly persuasive, and so even the rhetorician most sincerely devoted to the truth will need to consider how to manage the emotions of her audience so that it will be amenable to belief in truth. Doing so will require not only some assessment of the character of the audience, but also a great deal of insight into the nature and causes of the pathe, and Aristotle devoted a great deal of Book II of the Rhetoric to a kind of taxonomy and physiognomy of the emotions (thereby inaugurating what was to become a popular sport). Aristotle’s list is copious, listing some 14 passions. Each receives an analysis of its causes (qualities) and objects (persons) – which together provide a complex intentional content for the emotion. Aristotle also described the mental conditions under which a pathos is felt, that is the relations between the person feeling it and that which provides its content. But it is an odd list, comprising anger, calm, friendship, enmity, fear, confidence, shame, shamelessness, kindness, unkindness, pity, indignation, envy, and emulation.

Presumably, Aristotle thought that these were the pathe most likely to be of use to the rhetorician (even if he ought not raise envy or shamelessness in his audience), but there seems little other rhyme or reason to the selection, and no reason to think that it is comprehensive (especially since it excludes pathe enumerated in the Nicomachean Ethics). One notable organizing feature is Aristotle’s assumption that the pathe fall into contrasting pairs, although it may be a bit of a stretch to see the contrast between, e.g., envy and emulation, or to take certain candidates, e.g., calm, as a full-fledged pathe. Also interesting is Aristotle’s discussion of how the general psychology of the emotions will map onto different types of character, ages, and fortunes, again a topic he might have considered particularly useful for the rhetorician.

So Aristotle’s assessment of the pathe is mixed: they can be cultivated by reason and figure in the good life; they can also disrupt our reason and action, and be used for nefarious ends. Indeed, by rendering our judgments unstable and prone to conflict, the emotions may pose a basic threat to human social life. But whether happy or dangerous, Aristotle certainly thought that the emotions are a fixture of human life that cannot be ignored. Ethics cultivates them in developing character; rhetoric manages them to produce belief. To these techniques, we might also add the psychological discipline accomplished by poetry, particularly tragedy. The notion of katharsis, or “discharge” of the unpleasant emotions of pity and fear may be the most famous part of Aristotle’s Poetics, although the text mentions it only in passing. It did not, in fact, have much influence on literature and aesthetic theory through the seventeenth century (although the Poetics was an important model in other respects, especially for considering how emotional responses could be directed at different kinds of characters). However, starting in the eighteenth century, the notion of katharsis gained ground, particularly since it addressed a question of enormous importance to 18th century aesthetics, namely how something like tragedy, which would seem to revolve around situations invoking unpleasant emotions, can nonetheless be enjoyable. The notion of katharsis at least hints at the complex and multivalent emotional states that would be further analyzed by later theorists such as Hume.


Today 01/18/2018

Build the bridge that links us to our future, heaven on earth. This is something we can achieve and will be something that each of us make pivotal to our conscious lives. The Chi by which God has created the earth is the starting point. In this series Spirit Science provide step by step guide, by which we will rise our collective energy.



ENERGY COMMUNICATION AND INFLUENCE by: Paul Goree ASU Social Welfare 1/19/2013



(This was written as a factor of manipulation by Stephen Price to demean me and create a thought of a writing contest. In the contest you must detail you knowledge of a subject and it must be in it’s entirety. The subject must represent something you are concerned about. You can not use the internet or notes to develop the essay. You must reference all data correctly and can not use the internet or note to find references. You must complete the essay first and you can not save it on your device, internet or external device (usb, sd card). I wrote this essay, following all of his rules and posted on the ASU Blackboard, which is where student post their homework and assigned essays. The next week at ASU, if one student informed the instructor that she could not post her assignment early. The instructor informed us, that the Black Board has been locked down. Someone posted something on it and now for the rest of the semester, the Social Welfare Department will be doing things manually. But that’s o.k. seeming that class is the APA Writing assignment requirement, thus we get a benefit by doing the APA paper manually-like they use to do in the past.).

Daniel Fels caught my attention, when I read in Scientific American’s June 2009 issue. What was so interesting was his research on the communication that occurs between cells PARAMECIUM CAUDATUM. Placed individual test tubes, the cells were able to exchange some energy by which they altered the “feeding behavior and growth.” This is interesting because it suggest that behavior can be influenced by factors other than sensory stimuli. When I first read this, I immediately thought of Carl Jung and sub-conscious mind. Jung sub-conscious mind was a parasympathetic system by which some body functions are automate, and others are related to memory, intuition and mystic occurrences.

The conscious mind is a cognitive system, by which stimuli is received through the sensory receptors. These stimuli with cognition determine our ability to identify the environment we live in, thus constructing our social reality (Berkeley University 2010). How we perceive the world by which we live in, is determined by our ability to full inter-grate societal behavior. This cognitive system is fueled by potential action, creating a synaptic response. A synaptic response is instruction from the brain and nervous system on how to maneuver. Action potential is the accumulated energy needed to start a connection, resulting in movement (Gorman JM, Kent JM, Sullivan GM, Coplan JD,2000). Thus behavior is a result of individual and collective perception.

The sub-conscious mind operates on similar but different foundation. The sub-conscious mind is in continuous operation. Whereas the conscious mind has sleep to refresh and rest. The conscious mind is 24/7 (Soren R. Ekstrom, Watertown, MA 2000). The sub-conscious mind is the source of intution. Such things as hunches, deja vu, GUMPTIONS are a factor of a process which may not be fully cognitive (Gorman JM, Kent JM, Sullivan GM, Coplan JD,2000). Jung believed that the sub-conscious mind in its defense, against the cognitive actions of the conscious mind, creates a entity, he termed “SHADOW” (Soren R. Ekstrom,Watertown, MA 2000). I believe that Jungs “Shadow” is similar in communicating, like Daniel Fels, electro-magnetic energy. “Returning to the research which was the basis for his earlier book, The Emotional Brain (1998), LeDoux describes how emotional states monopolize brain… The brain has a number of emotional systems—detecting and defending against threat…” (Gorman JM, Kent JM, Sullivan GM, Coplan JD,2000).

For Jung, that “monopolized emotional state, defending against threat”, is the “Shadow”. The “Shadow” protects the sub-conscious mind, yet is not a fully cognitive, thus able to stream stimuli without the social constructed reality filter: otherwise termed “norm” in behavior. Have you ever had a hunch that the telephone was going to ring, and at the same time recall a sudden thought of your mother. Well that hunch is the sub-conscious mind at work (Gorman JM, Kent JM, Sullivan GM, Coplan JD,2000). Considering Jungs “Shadow”, Fels “Electro-magnetic communication, I think that this “energy” source is a means of communicating that exist without cognitive processing. This energy is fluid in nature in that it is not block, and thus can spark intution and mystical thoughts, which if processed by the cognitive mind, would be denied as possible or not confirmed consciousness. I am think about individual operating in the sub-conscious mind thus influence behavior, through a similar mechanism founded by Fels.

When I am in a good mood, simply by standing by another individual I can transfer that energy. That energy is a frequency (Doc Childre ). That frequency is able to operate outside the realm of the brain. I look to Dr. Hank Wesselman, who explains the journey of a Shaman, by which the “spirit” takes Shamanistic journey into the non-conscious reality (Wesselman, 2000). The energy by which the a shaman harvest is similar in action of Fels electro-magnetic energy. Wesselman suggests that the shaman spirit, while in the non-conscious reality is able to receive resourceful energy by which when returned to the conscious reality, is able to assist in healing, empowering and altering states of minds of individuals. This energy is also capable of forserting energy of loved ones that may have passed on.

Sandra Engleman who worked with Wessleman, stated She points to the Azuni tribes of new Mexico that vanished suddenly all at once (rapture). She believes that they didn’t vanish, they evolved to a higher state of existence and presently still live where they did in the past, just in a different dimension than we do, so we are unable to feel them, but their energy can be felt alive. She this is what will happen to us: some of us will evolve out of out physical existence into a new dimension..” (2012).

With this I believe that we are able to utilize our sub-conscious mind in a more influential matter. By which social ills can be resolved. It is stated by many, that you get the life that you perceive. Your perception is energy, resulting into behavior. If you think happy, you will be happy. If you think sad, you will be sad. This is also found in the work of Dr. Albert Ellis. Ellis, determined that some psychosis are self created. (Ellis). I think that if some self created psychosis individuals are able to influence other, in a peer-pressure manner.

That negative behavior is the SHADOW in action. The shadow unable to deal with the conscious cognitive processing, reaches out into the reality affecting those near. Just like the cells of Fels individual test tubes. Another factor to consider is Dr. Weilheim Reich. Reich was the creator of “orgone” energy, which was able to fully remove negative energy from the environment, thus healing various elements of an illness or mental state of mind.(Reich, 1932). Reich developed the “Orgone Box” where he placed individual to remove the negative energy. It is believe that this energy is able to influence others by changing the energy level within the environment. Acting similar to Fels electro-magnetic energy.


I believe and am interested in exploring the possible benefits of energy communication,by mean so electro-magnetic energy and sub-conscious energy, within the social service field. Developing means by which negative factors of social development can be altered resulting in empowered individuals, who exchange energy, instead of WORDS to communicate. Wayne Dyer states that, ‘every time you see someone do an act of kindness, your seratonin level increase and so does that person, also those who witness it.” That is electro-magnetic energy exchange influence, as detailed by Fels.). Other theorist that suggest this energy exchange is Dr. Emoto, Joe Rogan, Sandra Eckelman, Rollin McCarthy, Carl Jung (sychronicity).

This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged 4th Dimension, action potential, Azuni tribe, carl jung, cell development, coded dna, conscious mind, conscious reality, Daniel Fels, doc childre, Dr. Ellis, Dr. Emoto, Dr. Hank Wesselman, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Weilheim Reich, electro magnetic communication, empowerment, energy tranfer, environment, filtered emotions, intution, memory, negative energy, orgone, perception, psyche, realms of existences, REBT, receptors, remote communication, Sandra Engleman, SCR, seratonin, shadow, shaman journey, shamanism, sigmund freud, social behavior, social constructued reality, social service energy empowerment, streamed emotions, sub conscious mind, synaptic process, synaptic response, telepathy, V2K on January 20, 2013.


Today Posted: 12/29/2017

Rituals are specific courses of actions, done by social collectives. The rituals extend from the root of the society and represent the terms of the constructed reality as lived. The principles, moral, beliefs, virtues and expectations placed upon each individual within the collective. Rituals include collective behavior that is utilized in religious worship, rites of passages, community development/witch doctor, and sacraments. As with Christian Sacraments, rituals involve a physical activity within the environment, which is observable. Sacraments signify God’s grace in a way that is outwardly observable to the participant. That grace of God is defined differently in different cultures around the world. The grace of God, being the blessing by which we are in existence-becomes more interesting as we observe it from different cultural lenses. All of the variation have basic core elements. One being the need for humans to interact with the spiritual realm of the divine/universe. The way this is done in all cultures is through rituals, where by repetitive drums beats, creating waves of sound cause a hypnotic state of consciousness, by which the spiritual realm can be contacted. There is always some type of olfactory natural to the earth. Many indigenous cultures use sage, lavender, or cedar to create a olfactory pleasant offering to the energies of the universe. There is usually a verbal hum, that is accompanied by a physical dance/body movement, that corresponds to the drum beats. All of these practices provide a way for the human to interact with the spiritual realm.

Also included as rituals are prays, in psychology it is the used in a technical sense for a repetitive behavior systematically used by a person to neutralize or prevent anxiety; it is a symptom of  obsessive-compulsive disorder. There are praise rituals for the human living experience such as the Swahili ‘matunda ya kwanza’ – first fruit of the harvest. Which evolved into African Americans celebration of Kwanzaa.  Another harvest ritual is the Native Americans description of a “Strawberry Moon” which becomes a Farmer’s Almanac to agriculture.

The following is a ritual of the Kiowa Indians, and explains the metaphysical powers of various animals on the planet as they interact with humans and the environment. It details how the powers of these animals can be utilized by humans and like wise for them. This is another great way of detailing the dynamics of CHI as it is the order by which God has created the world. And all living things upon it can share the energy for growth.


By: Benjamin R. Kracht

Published by the University of Nebraska Press 2017

ISBN: 9781496200532

(page: 79-80)

Kiowa country is home to venomous rattlesnakes, water moccasins, copperheads, spiders, and scorpions. Snakes allegedly have power because they are without friends. Those possessing snake or spider power typically doctored snake, spider, and scorpion bites. Hunting Horse, Haumpy, Lone Bear and Mary Buffalo remembered that in earlier times three women and three men practiced Snake medicine, including Kiowa Charley’s father, Tonsatoma (Heating Tallow), who used the sucking method to remove venom and sometimes snake fangs from snake-bitten victims.

Bagyanoi told the story of how Heating Tallow once treated Red Otter, who had stepped on a rattlesnake skeleton while barefooted during a fast on Hunting Horse Hill, east Mt. Sheridan. Within a day, Red Otter could not walk due to paralysis in his legs, so he was taken to Heating Tallow, who recommended fasting in the Wichita Mountains because his condition was incurable.

Taken back into the mountains by horseback, Red Otter lay on a bed of sage for four days and nights, smoking and praying to the spirit world. Snakes appeared in a vision during the second night, informing him that the “sickness you have is very hard to cure, because the snake which harmed you was dead.” On the third day, an enormous thunder cloud passed through the area, pelting Red Otter with rain and hail and pipping at his bison robe. Weak and dehydrated by the fourth day, Red Otter was surrounded by snakes and lizards that scurried away when a large, two headed snake –like bird twenty times larger than any bird he had ever seen swooped down and grabbed his legs with its talons.

Red Otter felt something icy cold withdrawing from his legs and a voice saying –“now you’re already cured.” Horned toads and lizards are associated with certain powers that Jim Ahtone and Haumpy could not specify, though Sankadota claimed that in his youth he once sat under a tree when a “green lizard with black stripes” said to him  “You are a poor boy. I will take on you. “ This spirit represented by the lizard became his special proctector.

ALSO READ: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/03/in-grief-try-personal-rituals/284397/


Today Posted 12/26/2017

Originally Posted 12/17/2017

Titled “Thoughts”, this video explores the way in which we create our reality together, and how our thoughts are the first step into manifesting our experiences. While it might be difficult to come to terms with, you create your reality, you are in the driver’s seat, responsible for your actions and reactions to everything you experience, even when it doesn’t seem like it. When we can step into our power and step outside of blame, then we become truly free. To take this idea further, Patchman explains how we co-create a collective Earth experience together, and how we can use this creation to bring harmony back to Earth. It is a choice to allow negative energies to bring you down and stay in that state, instead of understanding it as a lesson to learn from. Our thoughts are perspectives of our experiences, by creating positive thoughts within ourselves for everyone around us, our past, and ourselves we begin to create more positive experiences in everything around us!

This video is perfect to start with if you are just beginning your spiritual journey. It’s important to understand these fundamental concepts before jumping into topics of something like lucid dreaming or how energy works – because this video is about you and your personal experience.

Towards the end, the video covers the incredible research of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has shown how thoughts affect water on a molecular scale. Check out the different forms and fractals of the water particles in relation to the thoughts that were projected onto them. If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what thoughts can do to us. Practicing kindness is so much more valuable than we know.

At the end of the day, we believe that you can have, do, or be ANYTHING you want! Why not make life amazing, and live in a way that uplifts those around you? Global change starts when each and every one of us recognize our own inherent creative potential, and step into it fully!

View the Spirit Science Episode #1 Thoughts at  https://youtu.be/xmN2RL4VJsE

You can find out more at the Spirit Science Website:https://spiritsciencecentral.com/spirit-science/full-episode-list/thoughts/

Posted 12/18/2017



BY: Paul Goree 2016  LACA

I feel I can breath –Exhale, the carbon of confusion

Early, early, early this morning I greeted the rising sun

And I felt blessed again, yes I know I’m LOVED

Yet that short lived glory in my mind, went as it came

Knowing the fact remains – It’s another day to be…

(another day to be, another day)

How did Jupiter

Get into the womb?

See was it right or lies

How we’d come unglued

Tell me how did Jupiter

Get into the womb?
Are some still playing games?

Is the Phoenix way, just to true, turned BLUE…

How did Jupiter

Get into the womb?

I’m still feeling the same pain

Feeling the same joys….

How did Jupiter

Get into the womb?


(He’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead in the background)

(He’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead in the foreground)
Yet I always thought LIFE, for the living, yes the living

So how can it be

That Jupiter got into the womb?

My soul, my soul to Jah I know it belong

It was that breath of life, which made me a LIVING THING

(Not man!)

And all these facts we share, we share them all the same

I’m still in awe that it just can’t be explain…


LOVE, love, love, love…

Love is unbounded, spinning the universe…

It’s all that JAH/GOD knows, GOD LOVE, GOD AND JAH all in one

So as I walk this earth, knowing that I carried (so carried and loved)

Every bump that I stumble, every person misleading-becomes…

Becomes part of the LOVING again…

And still I am in AWE, of the total connection I’m feeling in my soul

And yet the ear that I have, from the words other say, just don’t do much good.

I pray that there are no lies… Only love, only peace on CHI in the world for everyone to praise- PRAISE JAH!

Posted 22nd September 2016 by paul goree


Posted 12/18/2017

Food is derived from nature. It is from God’s creation of the earth, that the forces of nature exist and by which we are blessed with the best essential elements of development-seeming we to are from the same creator.  In our modern world it is so great to come across great companies like GT’S Living Foods. Their story is one of total ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and APPRECIATION  to our creator and this beautiful planet he created. They effort on earth is one of love as they express in their creation of drinks and foods which are living. Below is the story of GT’S Living Food. They are very CHI-ESPIRIT!


Humble Gift

We started making our Kombucha based on the belief that it could touch people’s lives and make the world a better place. From our family to yours, we are honored and humbled to share this gift with you.  Peace & blessings.

For GT Dave, unconventional foods have always been a mainstay in the family kitchen. Raised a vegetarian and instilled with Eastern philosophy, GT adopted a spiritual view of the world from a very young age. He recognized, early on, the importance of honoring and respecting all living things.

GT’s parents, Laraine and Michael, had an affinity for “funky” foods, always curious to explore and uncover the many unique offerings brought forth by Mother Earth. That was how, quite organically, Kombucha made its way into their home.

In early 1993, a Himalayan Mother SCOBY, handed off by a Buddhist nun, was gifted to Michael from a family friend. Intrigued by Kombucha’s ancient healing properties, the Daves used this living probiotic culture to brew their own homemade batches of the fizzy, fermented tea.

In late 1994, Laraine was diagnosed with a highly aggressive form of breast cancer. Doctors estimated the tumor had been in her body for about four years, and that it had likely already metastasized and spread to other parts of the body – specifically her bones – giving her less than a year to live. When the results of her lumpectomy came back, everyone was joyfully surprised to learn that the tumor was precancerous, and the cancer itself was dormant. With curiosity, doctors asked Laraine if she had been doing anything differently in the last four years. She explained that she was a long-time vegetarian, but for about the last two years she had been drinking this very pungent, homemade tea, which she believed to be quite healthy and, simply put, just made her feel great.

Inspired by his mom’s story, GT wanted to share Kombucha in its truest, most natural state, so that everyone, everywhere, could potentially reap the same healing benefits. As friends and family members unsuccessfully tried to craft their own Kombucha, it became GT’s mission to bottle his brew, making it easily accessible for all people in a ready-to-drink form.

So, in 1995, at the tender age of 15, GT Dave began bottling his Kombucha in the kitchen of his parents’ Southern California home. He had no business plan, just a personal passion and an earnest desire to share his handcrafted gift with the world. Over 22 years later, GT’s Kombucha has stayed true to the sacred brewing process of this ancient elixir. Using heirloom cultures from that Himalayan Mother SCOBY, we handcraft our Kombucha in the same size small batches that GT brewed back in his family kitchen, with lots of love, just as nature intended. To this day, our founder is still very hands-on, continuing to sample every single batch before it’s bottled. With a commitment to the integrity of the ingredients, as well as the process, GT’s Kombucha has established itself as the best-selling brew on the market.

Now, under the umbrella of GT’s Living Foods, we’ve expanded our product offerings beyond Kombucha, and are proud to say that we remain a family owned and operated company – always cultured, never compromised.

At GT’s Living Foods, we believe that food can be your medicine or your poison. That’s why we’re dedicated to handcrafting products that are 100% raw, organic, and rich with living probiotics. It is our purpose to bring Beautiful Living Things together, helping people live happier, healthier lives.


Posted 12/17/2017

Titled “Thoughts”, this video explores the way in which we create our reality together, and how our thoughts are the first step into manifesting our experiences. While it might be difficult to come to terms with, you create your reality, you are in the driver’s seat, responsible for your actions and reactions to everything you experience, even when it doesn’t seem like it. When we can step into our power and step outside of blame, then we become truly free. To take this idea further, Patchman explains how we co-create a collective Earth experience together, and how we can use this creation to bring harmony back to Earth. It is a choice to allow negative energies to bring you down and stay in that state, instead of understanding it as a lesson to learn from. Our thoughts are perspectives of our experiences, by creating positive thoughts within ourselves for everyone around us, our past, and ourselves we begin to create more positive experiences in everything around us!

This video is perfect to start with if you are just beginning your spiritual journey. It’s important to understand these fundamental concepts before jumping into topics of something like lucid dreaming or how energy works – because this video is about you and your personal experience.

Towards the end, the video covers the incredible research of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has shown how thoughts affect water on a molecular scale. Check out the different forms and fractals of the water particles in relation to the thoughts that were projected onto them. If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what thoughts can do to us. Practicing kindness is so much more valuable than we know.

At the end of the day, we believe that you can have, do, or be ANYTHING you want! Why not make life amazing, and live in a way that uplifts those around you? Global change starts when each and every one of us recognize our own inherent creative potential, and step into it fully!

View the Spirit Science Episode #1 Thoughts at  https://youtu.be/xmN2RL4VJsE

You can find out more at the Spirit Science Website:https://spiritsciencecentral.com/spirit-science/full-episode-list/thoughts/



Posted 12/14/2017




The Ninth Step toward Riches

By: Napolean Hill

POWER is essential for success in the accumulation of money.

PLANS are inert and useless, without sufficient POWER to translate them into ACTION. This chapter will describe the method by which an individual may attain and apply POWER.

POWER may be defined as “organized and intelligently directed KNOWLEDGE.” Power, as the term is here used, refers to ORGANIZED effort, sufficient to enable an individual to transmute DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. ORGANIZED effort is produced through the coordination of effort of two or more people, who work toward a DEFINITE end, in a spirit of harmony.


Let us ascertain how power may be acquired. If power is “organized knowledge,” let us examine the sources of knowledge:

a. INFINITE INTELLIGENCE. This source of knowledge may be contacted through the procedure described in another chapter, with the aid of Creative Imagination.
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b. ACCUMULATED EXPERIENCE. The accumulated experience of man, (or that portion of it which has been organized and recorded), may be found in any well-equipped public library. An important part of this accumulated experience is taught in public schools and colleges, where it has been classified and organized.
c. EXPERIMENT AND RESEARCH. In the field of science, and in practically every other walk of life, men are gathering, classifying, and organizing new facts daily. This is the source to which one must turn when knowledge is not available through “accumulated experience.” Here, too, the Creative Imagination must often be used.

Knowledge may be acquired from any of the foregoing sources. It may be converted into POWER by organizing it into definite PLANS and by expressing those plans in terms of ACTION.

Examination of the three major sources of knowledge will readily disclose the difficulty an individual would have, if he depended upon his efforts alone, in assembling knowledge and expressing it through definite plans in terms of ACTION. If his plans are comprehensive, and if they contemplate large proportions, he must, generally, induce others to cooperate with him, before he can inject into them the necessary element of POWER.


The “Master Mind” may be defined as: “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of

harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

No individual may have great power without availing himself of the “Master Mind.” In a preceding chapter, instructions were given for the creation of PLANS for the purpose of translating DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. If you carry out these instructions with PERSISTENCE and intelligence, and use discrimination in the selection of your “Master Mind” group, your objective will have been half-way reached, even before you begin to recognize it.

So you may better understand the “intangible” potentialities of power available to you, through a properly chosen “Master Mind” group, we will here explain the two characteristics of the Master Mind principle, one of which is economic in nature, and the other psychic. The economic feature is obvious. Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group of men who are willing to lend him wholehearted aid, in a spirit of PERFECT HARMONY. This form of cooperative alliance has been the basis of nearly every great fortune. Your understanding of this great truth may definitely determine your financial status.

The psychic phase of the Master Mind principle is much more abstract, much more difficult to comprehend, because it has reference to the spiritual forces with which the human race, as a whole, is not well acquainted. You may catch a significant suggestion from this statement: “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third,

invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” Keep in mind the fact that there are only two known elements in the whole universe, energy and matter. It is a well known fact that matter may be broken down into units of molecules, atoms, and electrons. There are units of matter which may be isolated, separated, and analyzed.

Likewise, there are units of energy.

The human mind is a form of energy, a part of it being spiritual in nature. When the minds of two people are coordinated in a SPIRIT OF HARMONY, the spiritual units of energy of each mind form an affinity, which constitutes the “psychic” phase of the Master Mind.

The Master Mind principle, or rather the economic feature of it, was first called to my attention by Andrew Carnegie, over twenty-five years ago. Discovery of this principle was responsible for the choice of my life’s work.

Mr. Carnegie’s Master Mind group consisted of a staff of approximately fifty men, with whom he surrounded himself, for the DEFINITE PURPOSE of manufacturing and marketing steel. He attributed his entire fortune to the POWER he accumulated through this “Master Mind.”

Analyze the record of any man who has accumulated a great fortune, and many of those who have accumulated modest fortunes, and you will find that they have either consciously, or unconsciously employed the “Master Mind” principle.


ENERGY is Nature’s universal set of building blocks, out of which she constructs every material thing in the universe, including man, and every form of animal and vegetable life. Through a process which only Nature completely understands, she translates energy into matter.

Nature’s building blocks are available to man, in the energy involved in THINKING! Man’s brain may be compared to an electric battery. It absorbs energy from the ether, which permeates every atom of matter, and fills the entire universe.

It is a well known fact that a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery. It is also a well known fact that an individual battery will provide energy in proportion to the number and capacity of the cells it contains.

The brain functions in a similar fashion. This accounts for the fact that some brains are more efficient than others, and leads to this significant statement–a group of brains coordinated (or connected) in a spirit of harmony, will provide more thought-energy than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery.

Through this metaphor it becomes immediately obvious that the Master Mind principle holds the secret of the POWER wielded by men who surround themselves with other men of brains.

There follows, now, another statement which will lead still nearer to an understanding of the psychic phase of the Master Mind principle: When a group of individual brains are coordinated and function in Harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance, becomes available to every individual brain in the group.


It is a well known fact that Henry Ford began his business career under the handicap of poverty, illiteracy, and ignorance. It is an equally well known fact that, within the inconceivably short period of ten years, Mr. Ford mastered these three handicaps, and that within twenty-five years he made himself one of the richest men in America. Connect with this fact, the additional knowledge that Mr. Ford’s most rapid strides became noticeable, from the time he became a personal friend of Thomas A. Edison, and you will begin to understand what the influence of one mind upon another can accomplish. Go a step farther, and consider the fact that Mr. Ford’s most outstanding achievements began from the time that he formed the acquaintances of Harvey Firestone, John Burroughs, and Luther Burbank, (each a man of great brain capacity), and you will have further evidence that POWER may be produced through friendly alliance of minds.

There is little if any doubt that Henry Ford is one of the best informed men in the business and industrial world. The question of his wealth needs no discussion. Analyze Mr. Ford’s intimate personal friends, some of whom have already been mentioned, and you will be prepared to understand the following statement:

“Men take on the nature and the habits and the POWER OF THOUGHT of those with whom they associate in a spirit of sympathy and harmony.”

Henry Ford whipped poverty, illiteracy, and

ignorance by allying himself with great minds, whose vibrations of thought he absorbed into his own mind. Through his association with Edison, Burbank, Burroughs, and Firestone, Mr. Ford added to his own brain power, the sum and substance of the intelligence, experience, knowledge, and spiritual forces of these four men. Moreover, he appropriated, and made use of the Master Mind principle through the methods of procedure described in this book.

This principle is available to you!

We have already mentioned Mahatma Gandhi. Perhaps the majority of those who have heard of Gandhi, look upon him as merely an eccentric little man, who goes around without formal wearing apparel, and makes trouble for the British Government.

In reality, Gandhi is not eccentric, but HE IS THE MOST POWERFUL MAN NOW LIVING. (Estimated by the number of his followers and their faith in their leader.) Moreover, he is probably the most powerful man who has ever lived. His power is passive, but it is real.

Let us study the method by which he attained his stupendous POWER. It may be explained in a few words. He came by POWER through inducing over two hundred million people to coordinate, with mind and body, in a spirit of HARMONY, for a DEFINITE PURPOSE.

In brief, Gandhi has accomplished a MIRACLE, for it is a miracle when two hundred million people can be induced–not forced–to cooperate in a spirit of HARMONY, for a limitless time. If you doubt

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that this is a miracle, try to induce ANY TWO PEOPLE to cooperate in a spirit of harmony for any length of time.

Every man who manages a business knows what a difficult matter it is to get employees to work together in a spirit even remotely resembling HARMONY.

The list of the chief sources from which POWER may be attained is, as you have seen, headed by INFINITE INTELLIGENCE. When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of HARMONY, and work toward a definite objective, they place themselves in position, through that alliance, to absorb power directly from the great universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence. This is the greatest of all sources of POWER. It is the source to which the genius turns. It is the source to which every great leader turns, (whether he may be conscious of the fact or not).

The other two major sources from which the knowledge, necessary for the accumulation of POWER, may be obtained are no more reliable than the five senses of man. The senses are not always reliable. Infinite Intelligence DOES NOT ERR.

In subsequent chapters, the methods by which Infinite Intelligence may be most readily contacted will be adequately described.

This is not a course on religion. No fundamental principle described in this book should be interpreted as being intended to interfere either directly, or indirectly, with any man’s religious habits. This book has been confined, exclusively, to instructing the reader how to transmute the DEFINITE PURPOSE OF DESIRE FOR MONEY, into its monetary equivalent.

Read, THINK, and meditate as you read. Soon, the entire subject will unfold, and you will see it in perspective. You are now seeing the detail of the individual chapters.

Money is as shy and elusive as the “old time” maiden. It must be wooed and won by methods not unlike those used by a determined lover, in pursuit of the girl of his choice. And, coincidental as it is, the POWER used in the “wooing” of money is not greatly different from that used in wooing a maiden. That power, when successfully used in the pursuit of money must be mixed with FAITH. It must be mixed with DESIRE. It must be mixed with PERSISTENCE. It must be applied through a plan, and that plan must be set into ACTION.

When money comes in quantities known as “the big money,” it flows to the one who accumulates it, as easily as water flows down hill. There exists a great unseen stream of POWER, which may be compared to a river; except that one side flows in one direction, carrying all who get into that side of the stream, onward and upward to WEALTH–and the other side flows in the opposite direction, carrying all who are unfortunate enough to get into it (and not able to extricate themselves from it), downward to misery and POVERTY.

Every man who has accumulated a great fortune, has recognized the existence of this stream of life. It consists of one’s THINKING PROCESS. The positive emotions of thought form the side of the stream which carries one to fortune. The negativemotions form the side which carries one down to poverty. This carries a thought of stupendous importance to the person who is following this book with the object of accumulating a fortune.

If you are in the side of the stream of POWER which leads to poverty, this may serve as an oar, by which you may propel yourself over into the other side of the stream. It can serve you ONLY through application and use. Merely reading, and passing judgment on it, either one way or another, will in no way benefit you.

Some people undergo the experience of alternating between the positive and negative sides of the stream, being at times on the positive side, and at times on the negative side. The Wall Street crash of ’29 swept millions of people from the positive to the negative side of the stream. These millions are struggling, some of them in desperation and fear, to get back to the positive side of the stream. This book was written especially for those millions.

Poverty and riches often change places. The Crash taught the world this truth, although the world will not long remember the lesson. Poverty may, and generally does, voluntarily take the place of riches. When riches take the place of poverty, the change is usually brought about through well-conceived and carefully executed PLANS. Poverty needs no plan. It needs no one to aid it, because it is bold and ruthless. Riches are shy and timid. They have to be “attracted.”



How stress affects your health

Opening by Paul Goree 12/11/2017 San Francisco

It is so critical that we understand and acknowledge the stress we cause upon each other as we interact. This stress minimizes us as it is a silent killing medical factor: that leads to strokes, heart attacks, and anxiety, paranoia and self-esteem issues. As we interact, we have the capability to consciously consider how our actions, words and thoughts might affect another individual, creating stress on them. By which they go throughout the day passing that stress and anxiety on to others. If it is know that proximity to someone who is happy with a positive perspective, can increase our attitude, cause us to be more positive. This is a great STRESS REDUCTION and collectively inspires positive growth and empowerment. As American our individualism is attacked daily, with negative comments. These comments may not be directed at us, but the reception of that negative comment towards someone else, has the same affect, considering we are a collective of individuals with individuals liberties. This enhances our liberties of what it is we want and can accomplish in this nation. Why would those who are directly linked to us, want to bring the collective down with negative comments.

Negative comments are intentional expression that aim to attack an individual’s liberty! They also linger in the conscious mind and causes passive stress. This passive stress grows and grows, leading to the worst paranoia. Why do we do this? My liberties and freedoms are vested in your liberties and freedoms and at this era of human history-we can consciously acknowledge this and decrease negative energy, thoughts, expression and passion verbal assault. We then can learn and grow from that by which we are linked. The individualism/difference is where we all have an advantage, to increase and cement our liberty.

The following is report is from the American Psychological Association, detailing the importance of recognizing the health dangers of stress. This is something that is very Chiespirit as it –makes us consciously consider our creation from God and how we are all linked as one. So let’s start consciously doing some things that are extreme POSITIVE. Knowing that negative energy will still and always be presence (Ying-Yang). But we can serve God by loving one another and helping one another come to higher understanding of our existence on this beautiful planet. 


Stress: We’ve all felt it. Sometimes stress can be a positive force, motivating you to perform well at your piano recital or job interview. But often — like when you’re stuck in traffic — it’s a negative force. If you experience stress over a prolonged period of time, it could become chronic — unless you take action.

A natural reaction

Have you ever found yourself with sweaty hands on a first date or felt your heart pound during a scary movie? Then you know you can feel stress in both your mind and body.

This automatic response developed in our ancient ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats. Faced with danger, the body kicks into gear, flooding the body with hormones that elevate your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, boost your energy and prepare you to deal with the problem.

These days, you’re not likely to face the threat of being eaten. But you probably do confront multiple challenges every day, such as meeting deadlines, paying bills and juggling childcare that make your body react the same way. As a result, your body’s natural alarm system — the “fight or flight” response — may be stuck in the on position. And that can have serious consequences for your health.

Pressure points

Even short-lived, minor stress can have an impact. You might get a stomach-ache before you have to give a presentation, for example. More major acute stress, whether caused by a fight with your spouse or an event like an earthquake or terrorist attack, can have an even bigger impact.

Multiple studies have shown that these sudden emotional stresses — especially anger — can trigger heart attacks, arrhythmias and even sudden death.1 Although this happens mostly in people who already have heart disease, some people don’t know they have a problem until acute stress causes a heart attack or something worse.

Chronic stress

When stress starts interfering with your ability to live a normal life for an extended period, it becomes even more dangerous. The longer the stress lasts, the worse it is for both your mind and body. You might feel fatigued, unable to concentrate or irritable for no good reason, for example. But chronic stress causes wear and tear on your body, too.

Stress can make existing problems worse.2 In one study, for example, about half the participants saw improvements in chronic headaches after learning how to stop the stress-producing habit of “catastrophizing,” or constantly thinking negative thoughts about their pain.3 Chronic stress may also cause disease, either because of changes in your body or the overeating, smoking and other bad habits people use to cope with stress. Job strain — high demands coupled with low decision-making latitude — is associated with increased risk of coronary disease, for example.4 Other forms of chronic stress, such as depression and low levels of social support, have also been implicated in increased cardiovascular risk. And once you’re sick, stress can also make it harder to recover. One analysis of past studies, for instance, suggests that cardiac patients with so-called “Type D” personalities — characterized by chronic distress — face higher risks of bad outcomes.5

What you can do

Reducing your stress levels can not only make you feel better right now, but may also protect your health long-term.

In one study, researchers examined the association between “positive affect” — feelings like happiness, joy, contentment and enthusiasm — and the development of coronary heart disease over a decade.6 They found that for every one-point increase in positive affect on a five-point scale, the rate of heart disease dropped by 22 percent.

While the study doesn’t prove that increasing positive affect decreases cardiovascular risks, the researchers recommend boosting your positive affect by making a little time for enjoyable activities every day.

Other strategies for reducing stress include:

  • Identify what’s causing stress. Monitor your state of mind throughout the day. If you feel stressed, write down the cause, your thoughts and your mood. Once you know what’s bothering you, develop a plan for addressing it. That might mean setting more reasonable expectations for yourself and others or asking for help with household responsibilities, job assignments or other tasks. List all your commitments, assess your priorities and then eliminate any tasks that are not absolutely essential.
  • Build strong relationships. Relationships can be a source of stress. Research has found that negative, hostile reactions with your spouse cause immediate changes in stress-sensitive hormones, for example.7 But relationships can also serve as stress buffers. Reach out to family members or close friends and let them know you’re having a tough time. They may be able to offer practical assistance and support, useful ideas or just a fresh perspective as you begin to tackle whatever’s causing your stress.
  • Walk away when you’re angry. Before you react, take time to regroup by counting to 10. Then reconsider. Walking or other physical activities can also help you work off steam. Plus, exercise increases the production of endorphins, your body’s natural mood-booster. Commit to a daily walk or other form of exercise — a small step that can make a big difference in reducing stress levels.
  • Rest your mind. According to APA’s 2012 Stress in America survey, stress keeps more than 40 percent of adults lying awake at night. To help ensure you get the recommended seven or eight hours of shut-eye, cut back on caffeine, remove distractions such as television or computers from your bedroom and go to bed at the same time each night. Research shows that activities like yoga and relaxation exercises not only help reduce stress, but also boost immune functioning.8
  • Get help. If you continue to feel overwhelmed, consult with a psychologist or other licensed mental health professional who can help you learn how to manage stress effectively. He or she can help you identify situations or behaviors that contribute to your chronic stress and then develop an action plan for changing them.
The American Psychological Association’s Practice Directorate gratefully acknowledges the assistance of David S. Krantz, PhD, Beverly Thorn, PhD, and Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD, in developing this fact sheet.


1 Krantz, D.S., Whittaker, K.S. & Sheps, D.S. (2011). “Psychosocial risk factors for coronary artery disease: Pathophysiologic mechanisms.” In Heart and Mind: Evolution of Cardiac Psychology . Washington, DC: APA.

2 Kiecolt-Glaser, J. & Glaser, R.

3 Thorn, B.E., Pence, L.B., et al. (2007). “A randomized clinical trial of targeted cognitive behavioral treatment to reduce catastrophizing in chronic headache sufferers.” Journal of Pain 8 , 938-949.

4 Krantz, D.S. & McCeney, M.K. (2002). “Effects of psychological and social factors on organic disease: A critical assessment of research on coronary heart disease.” Annual Review of Psychology, 53 , 341-369.

5 Denollet, J., et al. (2010). “A general propensity to psychological distress affects cardiovascular outcomes: Evidence from research on the type D (distressed) personality profile.” Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 3, 546-557.

6 Davidson, K.W., Mostofsky, E. & Whang, W. (2010). “Don’t worry, by happy: Positive affect and reduced 10-year incident coronary heart disease: The Canadian Nova Scotia Health Survey.” European Heart Journal, 31 , 1065-1070.

7 Kiecolt-Glaser, J. & Glaser, R.

8 Kiecolt-Glaser, J. & Glaser, R.

Revised 2013

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Posted By Paul Goree 12/10/2017

Consciously acknowledging all that is in existence upon the earth-as created by God (the creator of the universe). Through Chi-Espirit we can develope a natural appreciation and respect for one another: by which we enable ourselves to LOVE God (by severing him) and Love one another!



The 14th Dalai Lama: Tenzin Gyatso, shortened from Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, born Lhamo Thondup, 6 July 1935) is the current Dalai Lama . Dalai Lamas are important monk  of the Gelug  school, the newest school of Tibetan Buddhism  which is formally headed by the Ganden Tripas  . From the time of the 5th Dalai Tripas  to 1959, the central government of Tibet, the Ganden Phodrang , invested the position of Dalai Lama with temporal duties.

The 14th Dalai Lama was born in Taktser village, Amdo, Tiber and was selected as the tulku  of the 13th Dalai Lama  in 1937 and formally recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama at a public declaration near the town of Bumchen in 1939. His enthronement ceremony as the Dalai Lama was held in Lhasa on 22 February 1940, and he eventually assumed full temporal (political) duties on 17 November 1950, at the age of 15, after the People Republic of  China’s incorporation of Tibet.  The Gelug school’s government administered an area roughly corresponding to the Tibet Autonomous Region just as the nascent PRC wished to assert control over it.  

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. 14th Dalai Lama


Krishna is a name of the Supreme (God). It means “all- attractive.” Anything that might attract you has its source in the Supreme. Therefore the Supreme is also known as Rama (rhymes with “drama”). “Rama” means “the highest eternal pleasure.” All of us are pleasure-seeking creatures. So you can say that directly or indirectly we are all seeking Krishna. Chanting Hare Krishna is a way of seeking Krishna directly. As for the word “Hare” (pronounced huh-ray), it’s a call to Krishna’s divine energy. Just as the sun shines forth to us through its energies like heat and light, the Supreme reveals Himself through His multitude of energies. If the Supreme is the source of everything, then whatever we see–and even what we don’t see– belongs to the energy of the Supreme.

Now we’re trying to exploit that energy, but the more we try the more entangled we get and the more complex our life becomes. But when we place ourselves in harmony with Krishna and Krishna’s energy, we return to our natural, pure state of consciousness. This is what we call “Krishna consciousness.” Krishna consciousness is not something imposed on the mind. On the contrary, it’s already inside of each of us, waiting to come out, like fire in a match. Chanting Hare Krishna brings out that natural, pure state of mind.The chant is called a mantra, a vibration of sound that cleanses the mind, freeing it from anxiety and illusion. And this is a mantra anyone can chant. It’s for people of all religions, all nations, all colors, and both sexes. No need to pay any fees, join any group, or turn your life upside down. Whoever you are, whatever you do, you can try the chanting for yourself and experience its result. Krishna and His energy are fully present in the sound of the mantra, so even if we don’t know the language or intellectually understand how it works, by coming in touch with Krishna we’ll become happy, and our life will become sublime.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


Like a Skyline Is Etched in His Head


Published: October 27, 2009

In a helicopter above the city on Friday, Stephen Wiltshire of London looked down at the streets and sprawl of New York. He flew for 20 minutes. Since then, working only from the memory of that sight, he has been sketching and drawing a mighty panorama of the city, rendering the city’s 305 square miles along an arc of paper that is 19 feet long. He is working publicly in a gallery at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.

“I always memorize by helicopter,” he said on Tuesday, pausing from detailing the corners of a street on the Brooklyn side of the Williamsburg Bridge.

Mr. Wiltshire sees and draws. It is how he connects. Until age 5, he had never uttered a word. One day, his kindergarten class at a school for autistic children in London went on a field trip.

Stephen Wiltshire and the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn are very CHI-ESPIRIT, READ MORE AT:



Climbin’ every mountain, always killing me
Count the cost as days go by
Monday I’ve got Friday on my mind
Why don’t we make love
Instead of making plans.
Mother Nature, Father Time
Maybe it’s the family of man
Angels cry when they hear that tune
It’s sleepless nights for the man in the moon
And it’s the rhythm of life
My mind’s made up
Lucy’s sign is a Chinese dragon
Oh, oh, she’s got luck
The rhythm of life is the force of habit
Oh, oh, the rhythm of life.
Give the girl a future
Give her what she needs
Teach her life’s a Iong flat road
Maybe she’ll have better luck than me
Works so hard like he’s still in school
His pockets are jammed, but this man’s a fool.
Within the rhythm of life
My mind’s made up
Lucy’s sign is a Chinese dragon
Oh, oh-oh, she’s got luck
The rhythm of life is a force of habit
Yeah-yeah, oh, the rhythm of life
Rhythm of life.

7 Seconds (Youssou N’Dour and Neneh Cherry)

Paul Dewitt Goree

Don’t see me from a distance, don’t look at my smile
And think that I don’t know what’s under and behind me
I don’t want you to look at me and think
What’s in you is in me, what’s in me is to help them
Roughneck and rudeness,
We should be using, on the ones who practice wicked charms
For the sword and the stone
Bad to the bone
Battle is not over
Even when it’s won!
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin is living in
It’s not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waiting
It’s not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I’ll be waiting
I’ll be waiting,
I’ll be waiting
I assume the reasons that push us to change
I would like that they forget about their color,
so that they can have hope
Too many views on race that make them desperate
I like the doors wide open
So that friends can talk about their pain and their joy
Then we can give them information, that will bring us all together
It’s not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waiting
It’s not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waiting
I’ll be waiting,
I’ll be waiting
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone of the skin he’s living in
And there’s a million voices!
And there’s a million voices!
To tell you what she should be thinking!
So you better sober up for just a second!
Seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waiting
It’s not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I’ll be waitin

Los Angeles Mac 10 Logistical Index Year 2020



A Macro 10, is a theoretical term that details the logistics of a geographical location. The logistical data that is valuable not only to consumers, but also political strategy projections, CRIME Index Reporting, Societal Development (urban/rural/and infrastructure), Poverty, and local/State business growth. The logistical data collected, creates a macro societal trend index: which provides logistical insight into future trends in social settings. In the United States, the Macro 10 city provides insight into the next 10 years (decade) by which the nation will experience similar growth.

PRIOR MACRO 10 CITIES in the United States:

1990-1999 SEATTLE, WA

2000-2009 LAS VEGAS, NV

2010-2019 PHOENIX, AZ

2020-2030 LOS ANGELES, CA (Second time as a Mac 10 city. First time 1970-1979)

For Los Angeles, the future is going to be real bright (GOLDEN) as detailed in a G.Q. article Jan 2016, Los Angeles has come to some incredible ethnic fusion, that is producing an original energy that is amazing. Just as Seattle, WA had a global influence from 1990-1999, Los Angeles can look towards the same growth.


1) Los Angeles host the Superbowl and the Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles will be the first team to host the super bowl and win the super bowl.

2.) Los Angeles host the Olympics for the second time

3.) Los Angeles city mayor and staff provides a national blue print for civic involvement with homeless programs that are effective.

4) Los Angeles creates prisoner felony discharge programs.


