Tag Archives: peace

Ghost Writer

There’s a tale, that I must speak
18 years of bitter defeat
Collective trust now rivalries
Broken swords and stolen shields
You’ve taken all, but can’t take my life
Now the drum beats
Rise – spirits- rise
Let the sun light radiate
Only Jah can save us now
The tale begins in Africa
Where a shaman deed his worth
The full moon of truth witnessed him
The honor of betrayal under scored
And he was blessed by Jah one pray of fate
What he could not take above
He buried deep into the Earth
For his generations to call upon
They sang his song- whenever evil came upon them
They sang ” Rise spirits rise, great spirits rise
Your ancestors need you, 2018!!!”

The Ghost writer he writes
Between the lines of discrepancy  
Removing lies of deceit- truth be found
The Ghost writer writes
Oh he writes, of hell he writes
The Ghost writer he writes
Vertigo to common view
Where there is no soul- no love be found
The Ghost writer writes
Oh he writes, of hell he writes

I’ll protect my silent worth
Cursed social civilities
Non-defensive we’ve crossed uncertainties
Now we chose our weaponry
All the flames in the fire burn
No Peace like once we gentle lived
You have risen indignity 
Rotten honor – broken secret will
Buccaneers we face you now
To die we will find the highest pride
There’s no laughter in your game – no joy
History will reveal my deed – by which you manipulate
You believe what you believe
As blood flows from your lineage tree
Lost effort- lost integrity
You’ve lost your soul in machinary

Upon the setting of the sun, the spirit vows
The evil victory would verse mal witnesses
They’ve found trickery has fooled innocence
They prey on bairn souls
Yet the Universe protects it’s tapestry 
While the lineages battle long
Great worth seize the Higher Love
To vanquished all their souls from Earth
So you believe what you believe?
The shaman rose up from the sun, indeed
He dried the River of Belief
So Jah could expand him once again

Los Angeles Mac 10 Logistical Index Year 2020



A Macro 10, is a theoretical term that details the logistics of a geographical location. The logistical data that is valuable not only to consumers, but also political strategy projections, CRIME Index Reporting, Societal Development (urban/rural/and infrastructure), Poverty, and local/State business growth. The logistical data collected, creates a macro societal trend index: which provides logistical insight into future trends in social settings. In the United States, the Macro 10 city provides insight into the next 10 years (decade) by which the nation will experience similar growth.

PRIOR MACRO 10 CITIES in the United States:

1990-1999 SEATTLE, WA

2000-2009 LAS VEGAS, NV

2010-2019 PHOENIX, AZ

2020-2030 LOS ANGELES, CA (Second time as a Mac 10 city. First time 1970-1979)

For Los Angeles, the future is going to be real bright (GOLDEN) as detailed in a G.Q. article Jan 2016, Los Angeles has come to some incredible ethnic fusion, that is producing an original energy that is amazing. Just as Seattle, WA had a global influence from 1990-1999, Los Angeles can look towards the same growth.


1) Los Angeles host the Superbowl and the Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles will be the first team to host the super bowl and win the super bowl.

2.) Los Angeles host the Olympics for the second time

3.) Los Angeles city mayor and staff provides a national blue print for civic involvement with homeless programs that are effective.

4) Los Angeles creates prisoner felony discharge programs.




Character Revisted: JFK the Individual American – President


The question of character is brought to my attention again. The first time it was May 2010, of which I stated:

“The question of character is brought to my attention, and I stumble to find significant reference. My stumbling is not due to poor character, rather an affirmation of individualism. As an American, we have been condition to a set of empowering words: Liberty, Individualism, Freedom, Natural Right, Open Society and Freedom of existence. It goes without stating that all of these words detail the American archetype. A closer look at the originators of these terms provides a clearer perspective, of the double sword nature of these terms, hence characteristics.

One of the primary contributors of this self liberating orientation was Thomas Hobbes. Ironically Hobbes expressed the notion of “natural rights”, but advocated total sovereignty control. The absolute control Hobbes advocated was in understanding, that if each individual has a natural right to all of the environment around them, then each has an equal right to protect the possessions which each accumulated, in whatever manner they found fit. The phase “Dog Eat Dog world” is an understatement, referring to Hobbes. In order to have PEACE and CIVILITY among the society, order had to be established. This order is in actuality a waiver of one’s individual rights, to the collective effort. ” For his wit and expressive ideology, Thomas Hobbes was convicted by King Charles II. He was prohibited to any further publishing. His will to pursue happiness was removed from him. It was King Charles II’s active attempt to end all ATHEISM within England, and thus prohibited Hobbes future publishing. And yet his character strength in him and those who peered through the hypocritical judgment of Parliament and King Charles II.

The reason character come into question again; is because I am reading “A Question of Character: A Life Story of John F. Kennedy” by Thomas C. Reeves. From the reading, several individuals (Americans) with the fully right of expression, conclude from their perception of the late president, opinions that seem to lace together a defined character of JFK. Depending on who and what motive of intent, these opinions can be linked with others of a similar nature, by which the late president seems rather non-heroic and manipulative. Reeves provides detailing statements from socialite, Mary Pinchot Meyers, James Angleton and Tom Bradlee, as to the drug usage of John F. Kennedy in the White House. According to these recollections, Kennedy used marijuana, cocaine, hashish and acid. However these recollections can not attest to the great job the late president performed and his commitment to his job as leader of the free word.

Reeves also states that, Victor Lasky (journalist) stated John F. Kennedy as “cold, calculating, vain, superficial, and morally obtuse (pg. 3). Yet what Lasky fails to define, are the circumstances by which those characteristics were ascribed. How could a loving/caring father also be cold and morally obtuse? Well if the father portion of JFK’s total Biopsychosocial-Sprititual essence was removed. And only the Democratic, Civil Rights advocator portions of his political agenda was the circumstance, then perhaps it would be correct to use such words.

The point of this is to empower all individuals as to the complete essences of an individual and not just the critics and opinions of a few, who will by nature of our American existence: have negative factors to contribute to another. A person has a private life, by which the pursuit of it is a right as our American liberty dictates. The public life of a person is sure to be infused with professional ethics, codes of conduct, laws and simple social politeness. However should a person be judged by their private life essences, especially if they go beyond the normal standard to insure that these private passions do not interfere with their public life.

Character is such an integral factor of our self esteem as it is crashed against the Social Constructed Reality. I firmly believe all individuals need to have their FULL Biopsychosocial Spiritual essence review before any one judge can conclude their fate. Because where men create fate, God creates FAITH!

Global Co-Herence Project

Last year this time, I started doing some research on something amazing titled, Global Co-Herence Project. I asked around on different blog to see what others thought about this ideology. Many called it “Dooms Day Theory: 2012 Rhetoric. Well I’m glad I didn’t take the advice of those person. I did further research and found the entire ideal amazing. On this blog you can read various post I wrote about the subject. I stated that it seems to me that there are 3 main division of Global Co-herence that explain the entire ideology. They are 1.) Geo-Magnetic (how the earth and magnetic fields work) 2.) A Metaphysical 3.) Social Consciousness (How we socially perceive our reality). I found that alot of the theories I was learning incorporated some aspects of Global Co-Herence. Theories by Jean Rousseau, John Herschel, John Locke, CARL JUNG, Mark Granvetter, David Gladwell, Kola Borehole,Thomas Hobbes, Howard Gardner, Richard Tarnas, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Harold Coulander, John Polkinghorne: and how could I not mention the original founders of the ideology behind HEARTMATH: Rollin McCraty, Doc Childre and Roger Nelson.
I still have alot of faith in Global Co-Herence and urge everyone to check it out. From the minute level, Heartmath can teach you how to reduce your stress level, which can work wonders on your body, mind and life. At the max. Global Co-Herence can help explain our human inter-connection. One of the ealrier examples given by Dr. Rollin McCraty, was he mentioned an event that effected the world. Think back to the day, Princess Diana died. Recall how you felt, that energy you individually felt was magnified by others around the world, feeling the same remorse and sadness. Princess Diana’s death created a collective conscious frequency, which affected our ionosphere. That example has remained in my mind, and has urged me to look farther into the great possibilities of Global Co-Herences.

The following is a Youtube short video explaining Global Co-herence.

If you are interested in finding out more about this amazing theory, visit: http://www.glcoherence.org