Tag Archives: Liberty

Part 2 Sub-Cults In America


for the people by the peopleThis trip to San Francisco has now been determined a back track to initial trip which started 5/2017 thru 5/2018.  Now with the rest of the unexpected TOUR OF CALIFORNIA, San Francisco is now consistent with San Diego, and Los Angeles. Except the sudden change of plans 8/2017 to not continue at all in California- no need to venture to Sacramento.

Seeming my presence in California (arrival 05/26/2015) was based on a fake phished message on Twitter. The message appeared 3 consecutive days.  The first being from Bill Gates, then Melinda Gates and finally  on the 3rd day the Gates Foundation .The message stated… ‘If you feel your life has been interrupted, don’t think of it as interruption…think of it as being CATAPULTED in a new direction.’ Thus I decided to take the phished message seriously. This account, which is my original Twitter account, is currently not accessible.

It wouldn’t make a difference to me-seeming I have nothing to gain nor lose. And since I began the disowning of myself from my family in 2013-as explained to some, my ‘out of control substance use’ had gone too far. I felt the distance would be better appreciated. Than to have my family go through repeat occurrences regarding substance abuse in our families past. 2013 was the perfect time to start family closure-seeming no responsible explanation was going to be accepted by me, regarding events that occurred in Phoenix, AZ (2011-2015) that mimicked Las Vegas, NV (1999-2011). As if some collective was seeking answers that would provide them an advantage.

I knew my family would understand and is keen enough to question so many DISCREPANCIES that seem to follow me. Which have no CLOSURE. From this understanding I know my family is able to determine the truth. I’d fathered die now knowing that I did not surrender to the sub-cultural collective’s sensory manipulation as planned.

Now as then, I intend to hold stubbornly onto NO CLOSURE- and document in various ways the similar patterns of associated sub cultural collective mal intent, as I perceive it.  These patterns have been consistent in my life (since 1999) and the lives of others as they, explained their stories to me.

Another factor today (9/23/2018) due to similar street shake ups that usually only results in a trickle of a change.  I have decided to accelerate my deterioration by increasing usage – back to super high risk territory-thus nullifying all cognitive created thoughts of mine from being valid. THIS SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM SEEMING 20 YEARS OF QUASI NEGLECT HAS LEAD TO NO CLOSURE-I WILL CONTINUE TO SEEK CLOSURE ON MY OWN. THE DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN WHERE I AM AND TOTAL LIFE EXPERIENCE DO NOT ADD UP.

It funny that this week (9/22/2018) DEEPAK CHOPRA stated on Twitter similar thoughts, regarding total living worth.  He stated “Every cell in your body embodies the repository of every bit of knowledge pertaining to the history of life on Earth” #Cosmic Consciousness).


So as in 2013,   a YOUTUBE find that was PHISHED directly to me.  I CREATE a VIDEO titled ‘MYSTERIAN MAN’ to the song or band titled, ‘EASILY MISLEAD'(https://youtu.be/nkpdfJHZb9s) by which the true culprits knew that I am aware that neither they nor I am mislead. But as I attempt to express it to others through various means of communications it will be the equivalent of “the boy who cried wolf!”

Which is a joke among a small collective in Las Vegas 2002-2006, but isn’t so funny these days. Seeming whatever the Vegas Collective expected to achieve, they should know by now I am that expendable thus not worth any negotiation value.

If they really wanted effective change they would re-read TRI STATE DRUG DONATION AUCTION and MID-NIGHT COURT(http://paulgoree.blogspot.com/2016/04/drug-auction-donation-day-midnight-court.html ) that I experienced while on a good hypnotic meth/sherm collective spiritual exchange of energies 5/2017 (where no one cheated like current mother fuckers-who fake it and will fuck themselves out of existence in the end).

The only difference I would change is, since some people still have a habit of dropping an 8 ball or 1/4 oz of meth on the streets, (that is not within the jurisdiction of the court nor are the assistants to all enforcement operatives) to control jurisdictions of substance value/dollars and control prior inmates and users. How about they be ordered to continue dropping those packages until they are found by ‘targeted unknown persons’ who will never find them. Even when they’ve dropped a ton of meth-they must continue dropping, until ‘targeted unknown persons’ stumble upon one of these 8 ball- 1/4 oz  packages. Uhm the streets will then be saturated with “Marker Dope” as detailed in California Drug Dealer Liability Act (https://law.justia.com/codes/california/2005/hsc/11700-11717.html) (if it’s not phished on the internet or print. As detailed by Franklin Foer -Reality Ended- Atlantic Magazine 5/2018 https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/05/realitys-end/556877/).

Thus since I am a dead expendable citizen who is disgruntled by some events which have been consistent since 1999. My eventual death should be no surprise. I refuse to be the prawn between Civic sub-cultural collectives (which becomes ‘deep city state’ efforts) and various American ‘righted’ sub-cultural collectives. Which have an American right  to exist-but not with my personal involvement or non-consent to be associated. Then to base it on their  DEMAND, as if their right are valued more than mines or any other American. Especially when I intend to not be involved willingly with those that manipulate affiliation “just because”.

To be a Timothy McVeigh copy- cat and do Federal Felonies and get away with it (as expressed by one member of a harassing sub-cultural collective member 06/2018 in Los Angeles) yes this is the total immature extent of some sub-cultural collectives by which I have no interest.

Case Managers Violating Civil Liberties



How can Margret Finn and Johnny Juan Garcia validate their actions as reputable case managers, seeming they both have violated a client’s (a U.S. citizens) civil liberties. This question is important; we can not have case managers violating the Federal Civil Liberties granted to us through the Bill of Rights and Constitutions. These action cause more stress upon an individual and prevent an individual from pursuing life and happiness.


Margret Finn’s Violation: May 2013
I established a Cox Communication account September 2012. This account was exclusively for Wi-Fi use, so that I could have internet access for my studies at ASU. Sometime in May 2013, Mrs. Finn’s and Mr. Garcia’s second client (my roommate) established an account at Cox Communication with, his account was for DSL telephone service, and television. He mistakenly did not get the required Wi-Fi service needed to run the DSL telephone. One day he demanded that I allow him to use my Wi-Fi service. I was using the service for my studies. The signal could not carry both of us, and thus each time he logged on to the DSL service it kicked me off.

Mrs. Finn and Mr. Garcia were called to resolve. They arrived and Mrs. Finn instructed me that I had to share my Wi-Fi with their second client. How can these case managers instruct me, as to how I needed to allocate my private property against my will? This is violating my 5th Amendment rights.
Within the 5th Amendment, it is stated…”to be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation…” Considering this clause, it is important that the following is understood, with regards to private property:
1.) The owner’s exclusive authority to determine how private property is used.
2.) The owner’s peaceful possession, control, and enjoyment of his/her legally purchased, deeded private property.
3.) The owner’s ability to make contracts or decisions to use, sell, rent, or give away all or part of the legally purchased/deeded private property.

Johnny Juan Garcia’s Violation: June 2013
There was a visitor in my apartment. The visitor was waiting on Mr. Garcia to arrive so that he could retrieve his personal items. Mr. Garcia finally arrived, and provided me with eviction papers from the program. Then Mr. Garcia proceeded to yell at my guest and tell me that I could not have him in the apartment. Mr. Garcia then told us to hang on, as he went to call the police. Mr. Garcia returned with the Phoenix Police and began to continue his rhetoric , until he was interrupted by the police officer, who informed him,” not to continue…seeming he would be violating my civil liberties.” She then proceed to speak informing us all that only the property manger and the police can inform a tenant who has to be removed from the property. But by then it was after the fact, seeming Mr. Garcia had already done this.

Within the social services professional organizations exist to attend to the guidelines by which the profession and the employees and clients are helped. The code of conduct exist to prevent case managers such as Mrs. Finn and Mr. Garcia from violating a clients Civil Liberties and creating PTSD upon individuals and the society. The Case Manager Society of America is one of these professional organization which serves as such.

CMSA works to help people understand that a case manager’s involvement is instrumental in providing quality health care to patients nationwide. One of CMSA’s goals is to educate people so that everyone in the U.S. understands what a case manager is and where to go to enlist their services. It is important to realize that case managers can be nurses, social workers, mental health professionals, occupational therapists, and professionals from a variety of settings, including government agencies, long-term care facilities, insurance and health maintenance organizations, nonprofits, rehabilitation facilities and other settings.

Case managers devote hours of time, expertise, and dedication to supporting individuals, family members and caregivers who seek their help and intervention. In turn, CMSA helps support case managers with a variety of tools and resources, including its newly revised Standards of Practice for Case Management (http://www.cmsa.org/SOP), its Case Management Model Act (http://www.cmsa.org/PolicyMakers), as well as CMSA’s Annual Conference and Expo. As the health care industry continues to grow in complexity, CMSA is committed to advancing case managers’ profession, emphasizing professional standards, integrity and quality care.

Maslow Theorem: The Great Society America 21st Century


Maslow Theorem: The Great Society America 21st Century (work in progress-by Paul D. Goree)

Now that President Obama has cemented another critical piece to the resolvement of the Great Society. We now can look towards the final piece.  Abraham Maslow, cites several lower hierarchy social requirements, needed for upward mobility. These needs represent the physiological and sociological requirements of an individual to survive within a societal setting.These needs include water, food, safety, security, and shelter. If these lower hierarchy needs are not consistent/stable, then social upward mobility is not possible. For example, as soon as an individual has food/water, they are in need of shelter/housing. Once shelter/housing is required, they may lose their job, and then shelter/housing becomes an issue again. Thus this becomes a continuous circle,resulting in discouragement; in the Land of Liberty.

The Great Society (L.B. Johnson), suggests that all of the lower level survival needs be state provided (social welfare). With universal health care resolves safety and security, as AFDC/TANF resolves water and food. Now American can look to resolving housing needs. We can look towards HUD for some of these answers. Yet it still seems that states, may be able to resolve housing much better than the centralized bureaucracy that HUD is.

In Rubinger’s article: Why U.S. Desperately needs affordable homes, he states:

“America faces many more unresolved affordable housing challenges. A $26 billion capital-needs backlog that’s associated with our publicly financed affordable housing stock looms.

Traditional federal subsidies that enable affordability — such as Section 8, which authorizes rental housing payment assistance to private landlords on behalf of more than 3 million low-income households — are being cut back. Federal housing subsidy programs such as HOME were slashed this year. These vital programs need to be preserved and expanded.

Other important tools are at the ready, but sadly, they are inactive or underutilized.

Back in 2008, President George W. Bush signed into law the National Housing Trust Fund, requiring at least 90% of its funds be used to build, preserve or rehabilitate rental housing for low-income households. But this program and others like it have yet to receive the funding that was envisioned by the law.

Another valuable initiative is the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program, which enables private developers to work with public housing authorities to preserve affordable housing. But it has only been funded for up to 60,000 housing units…”

According to the Annual Homeless Assessment Report (2013) the following data reflects the homeless population as of January 2013:

January 2013

  • 610,042 people were homeless in the United States.
  • Nearly two-thirds of people experiencing homelessness (65 percent or 394,698) were living in emergency shelters or transitional housing programs.
  • More than one-third of all homeless people(35 percent or 215,344) were living in un-sheltered locations such as under bridges, in cars, or in abandoned buildings. Age of Homeless Population in 2013. In 2013, HUD required communities to provide estimates of homelessness in three age ranges— under age 18, 18 to 24 years old, and 25 years old and older.
  • More than two-thirds of all homeless people (67 percent or 410,352 people) were 25 years or older.
  • 10 percent of homeless people were 18 to 24 years old (or 61,541). This percentage remains the same regardless of sheltered status.
  • Nearly one-quarter of all homeless people (23 percent or 138,149) were homeless children under the age of 18, and 30 percent of sheltered homeless people were children.
  • 80 percent of unsheltered homeless people were over the age of 25. Less than 10 percent of the unsheltered population was under 18.


US Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2013). Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress (AHAR). Retrieved from  https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/ahar-2013-part1.pdf

Rubinger, Micheal. (2014). Why U.S. Desperately needs affordable homes. CNN Opinion. Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/28/opinion/rubinger-affordable-housing/

Character Revisted: JFK the Individual American – President


The question of character is brought to my attention again. The first time it was May 2010, of which I stated:

“The question of character is brought to my attention, and I stumble to find significant reference. My stumbling is not due to poor character, rather an affirmation of individualism. As an American, we have been condition to a set of empowering words: Liberty, Individualism, Freedom, Natural Right, Open Society and Freedom of existence. It goes without stating that all of these words detail the American archetype. A closer look at the originators of these terms provides a clearer perspective, of the double sword nature of these terms, hence characteristics.

One of the primary contributors of this self liberating orientation was Thomas Hobbes. Ironically Hobbes expressed the notion of “natural rights”, but advocated total sovereignty control. The absolute control Hobbes advocated was in understanding, that if each individual has a natural right to all of the environment around them, then each has an equal right to protect the possessions which each accumulated, in whatever manner they found fit. The phase “Dog Eat Dog world” is an understatement, referring to Hobbes. In order to have PEACE and CIVILITY among the society, order had to be established. This order is in actuality a waiver of one’s individual rights, to the collective effort. ” For his wit and expressive ideology, Thomas Hobbes was convicted by King Charles II. He was prohibited to any further publishing. His will to pursue happiness was removed from him. It was King Charles II’s active attempt to end all ATHEISM within England, and thus prohibited Hobbes future publishing. And yet his character strength in him and those who peered through the hypocritical judgment of Parliament and King Charles II.

The reason character come into question again; is because I am reading “A Question of Character: A Life Story of John F. Kennedy” by Thomas C. Reeves. From the reading, several individuals (Americans) with the fully right of expression, conclude from their perception of the late president, opinions that seem to lace together a defined character of JFK. Depending on who and what motive of intent, these opinions can be linked with others of a similar nature, by which the late president seems rather non-heroic and manipulative. Reeves provides detailing statements from socialite, Mary Pinchot Meyers, James Angleton and Tom Bradlee, as to the drug usage of John F. Kennedy in the White House. According to these recollections, Kennedy used marijuana, cocaine, hashish and acid. However these recollections can not attest to the great job the late president performed and his commitment to his job as leader of the free word.

Reeves also states that, Victor Lasky (journalist) stated John F. Kennedy as “cold, calculating, vain, superficial, and morally obtuse (pg. 3). Yet what Lasky fails to define, are the circumstances by which those characteristics were ascribed. How could a loving/caring father also be cold and morally obtuse? Well if the father portion of JFK’s total Biopsychosocial-Sprititual essence was removed. And only the Democratic, Civil Rights advocator portions of his political agenda was the circumstance, then perhaps it would be correct to use such words.

The point of this is to empower all individuals as to the complete essences of an individual and not just the critics and opinions of a few, who will by nature of our American existence: have negative factors to contribute to another. A person has a private life, by which the pursuit of it is a right as our American liberty dictates. The public life of a person is sure to be infused with professional ethics, codes of conduct, laws and simple social politeness. However should a person be judged by their private life essences, especially if they go beyond the normal standard to insure that these private passions do not interfere with their public life.

Character is such an integral factor of our self esteem as it is crashed against the Social Constructed Reality. I firmly believe all individuals need to have their FULL Biopsychosocial Spiritual essence review before any one judge can conclude their fate. Because where men create fate, God creates FAITH!

Ethical Duty with Social Professions


This was a class assignment, focusing on ethics and the duty of attending to professional codes of conduct. This is supplement data regarding prior post: Person-Environment and Case Management Neglect.

Author: Paul Goree Posted Date: November 14, 2012 4:05 AM Status: Published

The questions I am responding to for this week’s post are: 1.) What guidelines does your profession give you around this idea of “duty to intervene”?

1.) When considering the duty of intervention within the profession of Social Worker, the NASW provides the guidelines by which accepted conduct is to be performed. In section 6.01 of the NASW provides the core of expected duty: “social workers should promote the general welfare of society, from local to global levels and the development of people, their communities and their environments.” More importantly in regards to intervention, section 6.03 Public Emergencies, states: “Social workers should provide appropriate profession services in public emergencies to the greatest extent possible.” Other aspects of NASW provide the ethical duty of social workers to clients, Section 1: and to the profession itself, in Section 4. (2012, NASW) In general I think the duty of social workers are, positive duties, which are perfect duties, and have a general requirement to them, in that we attend to them on the mere fact that human beings are involved (I would include animals and the environment also).

Merriam-Webster, defines duty as:

something that is done as part of a job. : something that you must do because it is morally right or because the law requires it.

It could be consider that within some professions, a moral obligation is enacted to protect the interest of the profession and prospective clients. However that is hard for me to determine at a total TRUTH, considering unethical decisions of two social services professionals: portrayed in prior post, Person-Environment and Case Management Neglect. Considering a Justice Approach to an ethical circumstance let’s assume possible conditions, whereby a duty can be altered, not attended to or implemented but not enforced or detailed with procedural operational rules.

Off the top of my head, I would state, that there are no condition by which professional code of ethics can be unattended. I want to qualify this to the structure of public institutions, administering public services (mental, health, economical, employment, education, etc.). There may be instances (as history has proven), where by an individual within a society/social setting (macro) avoids, alters, neglects or protest against ethic civil duties or obligations (law). These instances are supported by our American ideology of Liberty, and thus can be subjective as to their occurrence. In these instances coalitions form and ethic civil codes are put to the people for legislations, which is the best thing about Democracy.

However within public institutions, the realm of liberty is limited by the regulations which serve to protect the public. Those regulations become ethical code of conduct by which all professional within that profession accept as part of their career intent. So what would be a fictitious circumstance by which a professional would risk their career by neglecting their professional ethical duty?

Much has been written and expose on corruption and it is a factor by which the minute affects the majority negatively. I honestly would like to believe that within the social service profession, the sincere intent of the endeavor limits the possibility of corruption through the means of neglect. That would be, intentional neglect! Why would a professional social service case manager, intentional neglect a client? Is it a continued instance based upon clients ethnic political factors? Is it sub-interest conflict? Is it politically motivated?

At one time in our history, thoughts and legislation was enacted by which the slaughtering of the American Buffalo resulted. Where those actions ethnically motivated? Some look to the Dawes Act as evidence; while some like, Richard McCormick looked towards civil resolutions (H.R. 157). I could consider professional neglect as being similar to latent motives of the Dawes Act. Or I could consider those professional neglected codes to be motivation, resulting in actions pursued by R.McCormick. So until a motive is established. I will continue to follow through with this blog: Person – Environment: Case Worker Neglect. When individuals protest and break legal civil codes, their intent and actions more likely than not, result in revised legislation ( 18th amendment/ 21st amendment). When professional social service persons violate ethical codes of conduct, their intended actions could result in negative social factors that propel rioting. Example social gentrification.



237 Years of LIBERTY!!! Happy 4th of July America!

Old-American-Flag offthecuffdc com

Here we are 237 years in existence of what LIBERTY has evolved to be. On this special 4th of July I want to focus on “Old Glory”. Here are some historical facts about the most beautiful flag in the world. The flag for the people, by the people. The flag representing pure Individualism, Liberty and Freedom! May she wave forever! God Bless America. May all Americans enjoy this very special day.

Official Acts Relating to the American Flag
• June 14, 1777 – The Continental Congress passed the first Flag Act stating, “Resolved, That the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.”
In 1949, President Harry S Truman officially named June 14th Flag Day in commemoration of this event.
•January 13, 1794 – Act which stated that after May, 1795 there would be 15 stripes and 15 stars.
•April 4, 1818 – Act signed by President James Monroe stated that there would be 13 stripes and one star for each state. New states’ stars would be added on July 4th after their admission to the Union.
Check out this chart to see when each state was added to the Union.
•June 24, 1912 – For the first time, flags became standardized with specific proportions and the arrangement of the stars into six rows of eight each according to an Executive Order from President Taft.
To view the specifications of the present American flag, please view this page.
•January 3, 1959 – An Executive Order from President Dwight Eisenhower stated that the stars would be arranged in seven rows of seven stars each.
•August 21, 1959 – An Executive Order from President Eisenhower resulted in the stars being arranged in nine rows staggered horizontally and 11 rows staggered vertically.
(By Martin Kelly, About.com Guide)

You’re a Grand Old Flag
by George M. Cohan

You’re a grand old flag,
You’re a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You’re the emblem of
The land I love.

The home of the free and the brave.
Ev’ry heart beats true
‘neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there’s never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.

You’re a grand old flag,
You’re a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You’re the emblem of
The land I love.

The home of the free and the brave.
Ev’ry heart beats true
‘neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there’s never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old


De Mon Faire – Question of Ethics



DMF 11/11/2012 (1st 11:11 nov 10th)

De Mon Faire translates to, Of My Maneuvers. I started working on a self discovery in 2010, in hope of resolving some issues within myself and give my soul a very much needed, tune-up. My intended effort would be primarily based on spiritual development, by which I allowed myself to be open minded to all material of self-actualization and spiritual awakening. If I truly desired to discover and then empower myself, I would need to let all sources of manifestations be equal in their existence. This thorough self-examination was going to be an intentional effort to recognize and then pull energy towards me; which would increase my vibration level of consciousness. It seems many are instinctively experiencing similar desires related some sort of coherent social spiritual awakening.

Thus far there are #15 manuscript of the entire work. Each manuscript, is titled De Mon Faire #1-#15, and detailed various sociological, ecology, anthropology, psychological, astronomy, theology, and spiritual theories and accredited works by leading theorist and authors. It was my intent to digest naturally whatever ideologies moved me spiritually, and with some detailed self actualization establish a spiritual portrait of myself, an inventory of my abilities and a self assured state of mind, that would guide me more effectively, as I continued my soul code journey.

Some of the leading authors/theorist were, James Hillman, Malcome Gladwell, Carl Jung, Hank Wessleman, Wayne Dyer, John Pokinghorne,Doc Childre, Thomas Hobbes, Saul Alinsky, George Orwell, the Bible, etc. The first step in my blinded agenda, was to declare a truth to myself. If I were solely responsible for knowing one truth of life on earth, what would it be? From that one truth, the rest of De Mon Faire would naturally evolve. Everything would magically seemed linked-this aspect I later learned to be SYCHRONICITY by Carl Jung.

The one truth I declared in De Mon Faire #1, is from the Bible, Hebrews 11:1. ” Faith is all things hoped for and trust in the invisible force of creation”. From the day I took ownership of this powerful truth, my life began to slowly evolve and I became enlighten to the most wonderful relationship I had ever had. The personal relationship between God/the Universe and I.

The following is an insert from De Mon Faire #15 (which is currently being lived). When I started this amazing journey, I had faith but was not consciously aware of it’s inherent power. Little faith, leads to little belief in the self, creation and life abilities. Since having secured a full conscious awareness of faith, I have leaped spiritually and physically. As of now De Mon Faire is in creation. From the beginning I felt that if it turned out to be useful in my life, I would edit my personal “faire” versions, into a collective version, to do what is the natural thing to do, give back to the Universe/God, that which was given/channeled through me.

DE Mon Faire #15 Entry 2: (11-11-12)

I finally have an understanding of my order which from every perceived manner, seems like madness/chaos: Yet to me sEems so perfectly clear (ex: I spelled sEems, the way I did, because the capital E would be considered a typo, but from my point of view, sEems, still resulted in the same out come as “seems”, so why worry about it.) It has to do with my core ethics: In DMF#1 and #2 I questioned and examined my character. This was a good starting point, but character is streamed from ethics and moral.

At this very moment I am taking an Ethic course (through the writing of De Mon Faire, I have returned to college in 2011 to continue my degree) whereby the core theme is an understanding of varied ethically approaches and facilitation in behavior and thought. Naturally we base our ethical disposition on a mixture of standard approaches, resulting in varied opinions regarding, what is ethically accepted behavior and what is not. My core ethical principle (which streams my every behavior and thought) is DEONTOLOGICAL. This ethical approach asserts that our duty and rights should be independent from the consequences. An individuals intent is more relevant than result. The primary theorist of this ethical approach is Immanuel Kant. In general, Kant considers “The Formula of The End In Itself”: this is one of Kants Supreme Principle Categorical Imperatives. This philosophy asserts “each of our acts reflects one or more maxims. The maxim of the act is the principle on which one sees oneself as acting. A maxim expresses a person’s policy…the principle underlying the particular intention or decision on which he or she acts…whenever we act intentionally, we have at least one maxim and can, if we reflect, state what it is…each person assumes that the other has maxims of his or her own…and is not …to be manipulated.” (May et al, pg.39-40)

I associate Kants mutual maxims, with individualism. I firmly, live, breath and practice individualism- everyone has a right to individually believe whatever it is they believe and have it exist as a portion of the whole. So it becomes difficult for any one sector to deny, prevent or diminish another individual beliefs.

Associated with the ideal of individualism is Liberty, Freedom and self responsibility. So the actions I create are my responsibility and I accept I am obligated to them, for I created them. Thus at all times each of us is an active, willing participant in the affairs of events: 50-50.

I know that I’m responsible for all my acts and thoughts, as I go through the regular denial process into acceptance. Thus I expect everyone else to be the same. But the world operates on varied planes, and I should not discard any of these (all exist as one) : however, nor should I change my bar of ethics either.
From the Deontological approach, I can, not agree, but I must also acknowledge that what I don’t agree to, has a RIGHT to not agree either.

Understanding this helps me recognize my actions and beliefs. It has helped me realize I do what I do and how I relate to people. I assume it’s because I don’t seek to change a person- the only thing I seek to accomplish is the better positive state of life. I acknowledge the opposite of this rose-colored glass view has a proper right to exist in our reality, and my only intent is to co-exist, while practicing my angle.

When I meet people I let them exist as they are (even when they try to persuade, fault or correct me). I remain me and let them proceed as they would, even if it is destructive for me. I do this because upon an encounter, if another has any deception or ignorance, there is nothing I can do to prevent them from changing their ways, unless they ask for assistance. If I continue to associate with them, then I am responsible for my actions as I follow them down a mal path. The rational thing to do is to avoid these types of relationships (as an individual, I am not ethically obligated to trust everyone-I have a choice and self will), but as it is a known fact, fate unfolds, whereby unlikely pairs are place together, headed towards a collision. I take the collision and consider it an excerpt or test from God/Universe- knowing that in the end, I will gain from the unintended relationship.

In the end, I remain true to my principles of ethic, and simply was deterred momentarily, which the universe (God) always seems to compensate for (Karma). Yes I was paired with a collision in waiting, but in the course of that collision I met some other people who internalized aspects of my demeanor. Or I may met some people who contributed to my beliefs, who I would not have met had I not been a co-factor of a fated collision. There are many possibilities of outcome, but the primary factor is I end up benefiting from paired associations. This is because I have faith and intentionally look for the good in all things.

Now there are time when I might say to another, “if we go that way we will fall off a cliff.” It is not my responsibility nor right to prevent that person from continuing to go down an ill fated path. Conventionally this can be seen in substance abuse. I can inform a person of the possible consequences of substance abuse, but there is no feasible way for me to prevent them from doing what is their natural right and individual willed.

I do correlate my ethical beliefs with the macro societal value, and thus there will be moment when I (as well as every other citizen) is obligated to intervene. Example a child is in harms way, a disable person is unaware of a speeding car, someone burns down city hall, etc. My involvement in these non-negotiated societal obligations does not diminish my individual ethic, nor give me concrete judgment of another, it simply places me as an obligated individual removed from the course of action of another.

Another important aspect of this ethically approach is although I affect through reflection, I do not place demands upon that which has an individual right to exist. All I can do is remain true to myself and be a sort of role model of that which I am of.

Delston, Jill, May, Larry, Wong Kai. (2011). Applied Ethics:A Multicultural Approach 5th Edition.Prentice Hall

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Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself

A Song By Sly…Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself (cause it really is all I know and have been!)

Lookin’ at the devil Grinnin’ at his gun Fingers start shakin’ I begin to run Bullets start chasin’ I begin to stop We begin to wrestle I was on the top
I want to thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again Thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again
Stiff all in the collar Fluffy in the face Chit chat chatter tryin’ Stuffy in the place Thank you for the party But I could never stay Many thangs is on my mind Words in the way
I want to thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again Thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again
Dance to the music All night long Everyday people [ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/thank-you-for-lettin-me-be-myself-again-lyrics-eddie-murphy-antonio-banderas.html ] Sing a simple song Mama’s so happy Mama start to cry Papa still singin’ You can make it if you try
I want to thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again (Different strokes for different folks, yeah) Thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again
Flamin’ eyes of people fear Burnin’ into you Many men are missin’ much Hatin’ what they do Youth and truth are makin’ love Dig it for a starter, now Dyin’ young is hard to take Sellin’ out is harder
Thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again I want to thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again Thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again Thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again I want to thank you for lettin’ me Be myself again


1776 In Our Dependence: For The People, By The People (Draft) 1

1776 In Our Dependence: For The People, By The People (Draft) 1.

By: Paul DeWitt Goree 7/2011 Las Vegas,NV

We celebrate this Independence Day, in the shadow of an America, where power for the people, by the people has come to represent an universal means, for all of humanity: globally.

As we celebrate 235 years of independence as an united nation. There are some pivotal events and accomplishment, which have secured our identity and nationalism. We began as rebels against unfair governance. We began as social refugees of oppression. We found truth in theorist such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Jean Jacque Rousseau and countless others who have established, defined and fought/die in honor of what we all have collectively agreed as, just.

The just nature of individualism, liberty, and freedom to be, create, express: what one places as its core beliefs. I love Thomas Hobbes’s, ‘Natural Rights’. It is American in its total essence. To have the slightest assumption, that I, regardless of my birth, race, sex, intellect and effort: still has an equal right to all that is in existences in the universe. These notions are the basis of huge dreams, which provide all an opportunity to – Dream. America is the dream come true!

Being that varied dreams will amount to the sum of some realities. We can never merely accept anything completed. We are always in a state of evolving, awakening and revising. We are always open to amendment and accepting our social errors. We learn from our mistakes. We learn that we, regardless of prior acts, are ONE nation. Individuals representing the whole. Each of our portions, have the ability to DEMAND rights due to them. This has been a stream of empowerment by which individual expression is afforded.

We are inventive, we exam political platforms that deny, what we have intentional staked as our claim, Liberty: we remove the failing elements, and construct just sovereignty that works to its best capability. Of which alteration can be made, where have made bad judgment. We know our government operates like a link chain. Faults do exist, but as they exist, it is in our nature to identify them and eradicate them, thus assuring equal opportunity to all. I love how we, come into our own making. This is our industry, our worth, our determinism.

As we celebrate our independence venture, I want to exam a time line of some of our President and their administrations, that have contributed, extended and enacted legislation, associated with what Lyndon B. Johnson term, “The Great Society”. Presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, William Clinton and current President, Barack Obama, have strived to provide the Federal. Government with the power it needs, to enact legislation, which aids the needs of the people.

A great society would be a society evolved from social and political injustices, into social harmony. For Johnson, (who took idealist truths from John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy) a great society regardless of its past, had to acknowledge and attended to that portion of the collective whole, which is not represented. That portion which is unable, denied or unaware of their social rights. It is the duty of the sovereignty to assist all within the society, an equal opportunity to achieve tools required, to pursue the American Dream.

A government for the people, by the people, could not simply ignore, what is unjust. A government for the people by the people could not idle in action, while some of the people are routinely being subjected to second class citizenship. No citizen should be second class in a nation of the people. So I want to detail the accomplishments of some of these most compassionate Presidents, which have attended to their political platform, which values co-operative assistance and equal opportunity.

Theodor Roosevelt (26th President 1901-1909 Republican) and his administration, were the instrumental creators of Work-Man Compensation. In 1908, during the last year of his administration, Theodor Roosevelt introduced the Federal Employer’s Liability Act. Other legislative enactments of Roosevelt, that provide evidence, that government should regulate industry, can be seen in Roosevelt passage of the Meats Inspection Act of 1906…The Square Deal President.

Woodrow Wilson (28th President 1913- 1921 Democrat) and his administration accomplished some reform for the labor industry. He implemented the 8 hour work day for employees. Extended the US Anti- Trust Act, with The Clay Anti-Trust Act, which defined the specific policy of the United States and its relationship with organization and the control of industry. Wilson enacted Income tax, The Federal Trade Commission and restrictive labor laws that protected children from unlawful labor practices.

Franklin Roosevelt (32nd President of the United States 1933–1945 Democrat) New Deal

Lyndon B. Johnson (36th President of the United States 1963-1969 Democrat) the Great Society

William Clinton (42nd President of the United States 1993–2001 Democrat) Welfare Reform Act

Barack Obama (44th President of the United States 2009) Health Care Act

American Character and The Struggle for Individualism

By: Paul Dewitt Goree ©2010 Las Vegas, Nevada

The question of character is brought to my attention, and I stumble to find significant reference. My stumbling is not due to poor character, rather an affirmation of individualism. As an American, we have been condition to a set of empowering words: Liberty, Individualism, Freedom, Natural Right, Open Society and Freedom of existence. It goes without stating that all of these words detail the American archetype. A closer look at the originators of these terms provides a clearer perspective, of the double sword nature of these terms, hence characteristics.

One of the primary contributors of this self liberating orientation was Thomas Hobbes. Ironically Hobbes expressed the notion of “natural rights”, but advocated total sovereignty control. The absolute control Hobbes advocated was in understanding, that if each individual has a natural right to all of the environment around them, then each has an equal right to protect the possessions which each accumulated, in whatever manner they found fit. The phase “Dog Eat Dog world” is an understatement, referring to Hobbes. In order to have PEACE and CIVILITY among the society, order had to be established. This order is in actuality a waiver of one’s individual rights, to the collective effort.

Hobbes believed that only the sovereignty could provide social order, through absolutely authority. These concepts fueled many disputes in England. A separation of the church and sovereignty authority began to boil resulting in a witch hunt of Parliament in 1666. When Parliament was restored, King Charles II, made an active attempt to end all ATHEISM within England, and thus prohibited Hobbes from any future publishing. Hobbes greatest work, LEVANITHAN (1651) states the following:
“…Nature hath made man so equal in the faculties of body and mind…Not so. Considerable as that one man can there upon claim to himself any benefit to…Which another may not pretend as well, as his…So that in the nature of man, we find 3 principal causes of quarrel. First competition, secondary difference and thirdly, Glory…It is manifested that during time men live without common power
To keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called WAR, and such. A war as is of everyman against every man. To this war every man against every man, this also is consequent; that nothing can be unjust…So we look towards a solution by which man can be “drawn to an agreement” and this
Is a social contract…?” (Levanithan)

The core essence of our American ideology is very much present in Hobbes theory of natural rights. The pivotal basis is the construction of a social contract by the individual persons. The individual thus is an independent factor of which its total existence is socially involved. It seems logical that the waiver of one’s natural rights for social order and PEACE would be the order of affaires. However this is not the case and thus social discourse is always upon us. This simple acceptance of a social order is the cause of chaos, especially in the United States. We Americans have prided ourselves on our individualism, by which we are granted the liberty to be, think, express, and believe in whatever we find sensible. This is purely a subjective culture. Yet order is in effect.

To better understand social order, I look towards what some term the decay of American Character. It is often stated that Americans are slowing losing their character and thus their existence in the nature of the social world. From radio personalities to independent political party leaders, the urgent attention given to character has prompted many to look at America as a weakening force. I beg to differ. First character, and it’s relevance to America can best be found in our individual natural. As an individual American, I can start to question my own character, knowing it is a fraction of the total American. Thus the characteristics that embody me, also in essences embody the nation as a whole. This equation is true for all Americans. Thus our total is a combined individual effort. Our power is only effective in a unified manner. Our weaknesses are thus too of this nature.

Another sociologist who focuses on the natural rights vs. collective rights is Michael Foucault. Foucault details the combined individual intent in his work, Madness and Civilization, The Birth of the Clinic, Discipline and Punish. Foucault details what is termed, The Panopticon which automatizes and disindividualizes power. Power has its principle not so much in a person as in a certain concerted distribution of bodies.

Foucault and Hobbes, provide ample support that the individual in society is powerless and susceptible to chaos. Currently America is in a recessive displacement, caused by the declining economy. It is more important now than ever, that we concentrate and revitalize those primary factors of our strengths. I came across author and public speaker Rolfe Carawan work, “The Character Revolution: Restoring America’s Soul”.

Carawan details the failed character of America, and contributes it to each individual. Each individual that tries to met the bar of good character, contributes to the strength of America. Interestingly Carawan provides a vivid example of a past power society, that dissolved into the faded memories of historians, for it had lost its character. This power society was ROMAN. The only parallel thought is that, society can fall apart, and sociologist and authors such as Carawan, point out the variables by which this occurs.

I like Carawan book, because in his explanation of developing character. He brings up a never published work of Benjamin Franklin titled, “The Art of Virtue”. Like Carawan I couldn’t agree more, that Benjamin Franklin is the total embodiment of American character. Franklin understood precarious nature of “unalienable rights”. For Franklin these unalienable rights had a boarder context, which was based on moral. As with Hobbes, Franklin detailed a society engrossed in its natural rights and a society of compromised rights. Franklin confirmed that the assurance of society is only possible with an individual’s attendances to law, which is derived from the individual liberty and becomes the security of his happiness.

Franklin was influenced by the life of Jesus and the works of Aristotle, who philosophized about the elements that constituted a “good life-righteously lived”. Aristotle detailed the 3 natures of man: body, soul and spirit.

Aristotle 3 natures parallel Franklins religious perspective, whereby the bible states in Genesis 2:7…”Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living being.” The correlation of the body being the physical element, the spirit being the breath of life breathed into the body, and the soul which is the conscious combined experience, noted as the soul. Franklin was very religious and held to fundamental elements of his religion. Franklin thus dedicated himself to personal character development, which is the end result of our American character. Franklin intent was not as purposeful as it may seem. He was concerned with ethical, moral and righteous behavior of himself and his fellow men.

Franklins work, “The Art of Virtue” is concrete in establishing a pronounced character. I personally followed and self participated with Carawar as he detailed exercises that conditioned the character. Comparing it to an athletic work out, the “Art of Virtue” is a powerful self re-examination book. It doesn’t seek to empower, but instead just introduce the ideal of CHARACTER. What is your character profile? By answering the question one finds out a wealth of knowledge about themselves and their direct interpersonal relationships. Thus with this knowledge a REVOLUTION is declared by the self, upon which virtuous living is the end result. I like many American, easily became caught up with the ills of society (drugs, low self esteem, sheep behavior, drifter). And without disrespect to any individual person, I proclaimed my actions as my individual will and liberty thus to do so. As long as my behavior was not harmful to another or intrude upon another’s will. I had no problem with common use of drugs and all the indirect off springs of such behavior. So engrossed with my liberated self destructive nature, I never once thought about how my actions, in effect were a fraction of a combined effort. The effort is based on nationalism for me. Also included in that equation was my watered down faith. Earlier I mentioned the ideal of Liberty being a double edge sword. From my own experience I can contest to it.

Knowing and learning from my past, I know that a little faith is all that’s needed to start re-acquisition of the spirit (which I commonly refer to as the breath of God within me). From my own experience, I can detail some common core qualities that are the essence of our Americanism. Like Franklin I find myself intentionally attempting to balance my wrong deeds of doing, with righteousness. I believe like many Americans, it is our intention to do right at all times. This factor creates as sense of resiliency. It is my personal belief that Americans have a strong sense of resiliency, allowing us to regain ourselves from the every pressing nature of mal endeavors. When I compare my theory of thought with Franklins “Art of Virtue” I see the common thread of accordance.

Benjamin Franklin detailed 13 virtues in the “Art of Virtue”:
Temperance, Industry, Tranquility, Silence, Sincerity, Chastity
Order, Justice, Humility, Resolution, Moderation, Frugality, Cleanliness

As suggested by Carawan, and as done by Franklin himself: for 13 weeks (Feb 2010-May 2010) I tracked my attention and intent of the above virtues. I reflected a lot on my full understanding of each virtue and what it meant to me. I sort to readjust for lack of strength in any particular virtue, and mostly sought to establish these virtues into my daily ordeal of living. As of today, I am still in the process. Character development is an endless affair of intentional thought and conscious effort. The only thing I would add to Franklin’s 13 virtues is Spirituality. For Franklin this was a natural given.

I am still in process of strengthening my character and self. As it goes, the dilemma is prone to be distracted and criticized by those who chose to “independently “ live as to the freedom prescribed to them, as warranted. At no time can I place upon another, my values and purposefully intent. However I can openly detail the balancing of my behavior, and establish the very purposefully declaration of my intent. There is a lot to be said for role modeling. It’s is not a factor of intentionally setting an example, but rather a pure nature subsidy that encourages other. So with this mind frame, I have established that I declare a character revolution on myself. The revolution will be to strengthen my virtue and moral character. It is understood that this revolution has to take place within the social society, for that is where it is manifested. The problem with my theory is how to avoid external persuasion.

All the good intent in the universe can not deter the mal intent of one influence. Carawan provides a vivid example with basketball player, Len Bias. Bias was second pick in the 1986 NBA draft and was on his way to a successful career with the Boston Celtics. Yet the engraved character development, necessary to accomplish such a task, did not prevent him from consequential behavior, resulting in his death.
How to over-come consequential influences? As stated earlier with Foucault theory, numbers have power. In this instance association is imperative. I recall reading Napoleon Hills work, “Think and Become Rich” (1937). Hill was contracted by Andrew Carnegie, to provide some sociological explanation as to Carnegie and associates great wealth. Hills profound research informed Carnegie, that the primary factor to the wealth of him and his associates was the common factor of their association. This spouted into other areas of their lives. But because they associated with one another, they concentrated their efforts into a powerful force, which seemed invincible. Likewise Foucault suggests strength in numbers. The sphere of influence is so over powering that it is difficult to be controlled by the individual.

With the understanding of this dynamic, Franklin details the INTERNALIZED INVISIBLE SOUL. Franklin suggested that habits took the advantage of inattention. It is easy to be distracted and thus susceptible to external influences and desires. Franklin stated, “…the mere speculative conviction that it was our interest to be completely virtuous, was not sufficient to prevent our slipping…” Thus it was important to be conscious of the invisible factors of influence more so than the visible ones. Using myself as example, I visibly consciously became aware as my intent to discontinue the use of narcotics and have some moderate success with such intentions, as long as I constantly remain aware of this intent. The intent becomes visible through overt means. One such mean is association of which a contributed ideology of liberty is associated with our Americanism and becomes an invisible factor. These suggest that my intent to not participate in any particular behavior is done so on my own individual stance.

That is one of the primary fruit of Americanism, each is and has an individual right of expression. Yet when I wavier a portion of that right, it seems colossal because it is a direct opposite character cue. Fortunately for me, the majority of the society tend to believe and wavier their right to participate in the use of narcotics, primarily due to the deathly possible consequence. Imagine the confederacy soldiers and loyal Southern supporters, who after the Civil War had to subscribe to the Reconstruction law. Where do the advantages of inattention exist? What are the internalized invisible factors we can notice that rise alertness.

Today terrorism is a tragic reality. We, American have to be stronger than ever before. Being strong implies concentrating and focusing our intended effort towards virtuous behavior, attending to our individual moral, which diverts to the collective social. We must utilize our number to re-enforce stupendous behavior, the echoes good human intent. We must not rely too loosely on the benefits of liberty, and must consciously attend to any variances or absolutes of it. We must in essence internalize the endeavors of Benjamin Franklin, who simply sought to live peacefully and righteously under an umbrella of Liberty, Democracy and Freedom. This blog entry is in sequence of entries, openly discussing the perils of our current American society. I started out with the Introduction of The Amero. Then detail the factors of Tier benefits and what it suggests about our nation. I have also detailed Social Democracy as it heads for the United States. The purpose of my intent is to get others to offer their opinions or experience on the subject, which is dear to all of us: the continuance of our Americanism.

Carawan, Rolfe The Character Revolution: Restoring America’s Soul
Seattle: Life Matters Press, 1994.

Hobbes, Thomas Levanithan
New York: Penguin Classic, 1985

Soros, George The Bubble of American Supremacy
London: The Orion Publishing Group Ltd, 2004.

Mortimer J. Adler, “Aristotle for Everybody: Difficult Thought Made Easy”