Tag Archives: sociology



Crystal Meth, Addiction, Substance Abuse

Imagine if you will the most intense, amazing, and powerful, mood-altering, and mind-blowing meal of your life. Every bite is a smorgasbord of gastronomical orgasmic overload, with each bite propelling you to the next. While eating this meal of a lifetime, you experience extreme feelings of joy, pleasure, fulfillment, satiety, power, and importance. You cannot wait until the next time you can have this delectable delight.

You begin to plan, coordinate, organize, prepare, and fantasize about the next time you can indulge in the gluttonous smorgasbord of good feelings. Soon, you begin having this meal a couple of times per week. You find that the good feelings and pleasure you experienced your first couple of times with his meal does not match the initial event. You attempt to add new foods, new ways of preparing the meal, eating at different times of the day, spending more money on foods, yet you find you cannot match that initial experience.

In no time at all, you are giving up activities that were once important, isolating from loved ones, becoming pre-occupied with your next meal, you begin seeing weight gain, elevated blood pressure and other health issues, and a change in your feelings and emotions. You find after each gluttonous meal that those once good feelings you experienced after eating are replaced by shame, remorse and a promise to change these behaviors.

Well, for many men who have used methamphetamine, their first couple of times using meth and engaging in sexual activity is similar to this meal of a lifetime. The senses are heightened to a degree that cannot be attained or achieved through normal human activity. The initial “high” that is experienced becomes a futile effort in “chasing the dragon” in trying to recreate those first initial experiences. What started out as recreational, part-time use, soon consumes the individual. Once pleasurable and meaningful activities soon become unimportant, boring, and slowly drift out of the individual’s life. The obsession to use methamphetamine takes over and soon the individual experiences a change in their personality, a shift in morals and values, and the consequences of their continued use. Sometimes this happens quickly and other times, slowly.

Now, add the powerful experience of sexual activity to this combustible mix and you have set the stage of an interconnected and difficult challenge to tease apart meth use with sexual activity. Imagine the combined efforts of having sex on meth! A combined overload of Dopamine, Serotonin, and Endorphins followed by the release of Oxytocin post-orgasm and the individual has achieved the elusive, powerful, temporary, and unachievable through natural human efforts, the sexual experience of a lifetime.

Crystal Meth, Addiction, Substance Abuse

Meth and sex neurotransmitters activated during meth use and sexual activity.

So, how does the cycle begin

Typically, many individuals have reported that their first meth use and sexual activity was like no other experience in their life. Meth is a stimulant that initially provides acute psychological effects on the brain including increased confidence, alertness, mood, increased sex drive, increased energy, talkativeness and decreases boredom, loneliness, and timidity. When used, crystal meth causes the user’s brain to produce abnormally high levels of dopamine. Users experience increased energy, prolonged sexual performance and suppressed appetite. It also causes intense sexual desire and lower sexual inhibition which can lead to sexually risky behaviors.

Many men in the gay, bisexual and M2M population report using meth due to cultural factors of internalized homonegativity, oppression and discrimination, shame, loneliness, a need for “false” intimacy, and societal heterosexism and heteronormative culture that views heteronormative behaviors and practices as the “acceptable” norms. Meth use allows individuals to engage in sex/sexual behaviors that fall out of the “accepted norms”, provides a sense of false confidence/self-esteem, and can provide a sense of belonging to a sub-culture that accepts the individual user as they are. Additionally, youth and beauty are revered in this community which set a high standard for anyone that falls outside of these parameters to feel less than or inadequate. The advent of the internet and hook-up apps provides the perfect backdrop and venue for seeking out like individuals who are looking to hook-up and score meth.

Unfortunately, this illusion and the perceived benefits of using meth and engaging in sex can only last so long. Meth use and sex may lead to high risk behaviors including an increase in the number of sexual partners, a decrease in disclosure of HIV status, a decrease in condom use, an increase in the probability of engaging in anal receptive sex, prolonged sexual encounters, intentional unprotected sex and extreme sexual behaviors.

How do we break the cycle

There is no one method of treatment that can address the complex interconnectedness between crystal meth use and sexual activity. Treatment and recovery must be individualized to each person. This may be through total abstinence or a harm-reduction model, or somewhere in between. Research supports that quitting all mood-altering substances (abstinence) increases an individual’s chances of sustained recovery.

Kinkster MAG, AIDS, HIV, Gay Men

One thing is for sure: Education, support, and self-introspection are required in order to break the cycle of the meth and sex connection. At PRIDE Institute, we work with hundreds of men each year that meet the criteria for substance use disorder-methamphetamine and report that they live outside of their value system for sexual behaviors. A “diagnosis” of a sexual disorder is not required; it is self-identification by the individual that seeks treatment that determines if the individual engages in sexual behaviors and activities that do not align with their value system and have identified that they cannot engage in sexual activity without the use of substances. We see men from all walks of life; from those who are professionals with a high economic status with minimal consequences related to their use to those who are living on the streets and indigent. As we know, addiction does not discriminate. It is also important to understand that a 28 day stay in a treatment setting does not recovery make. The first step in recovery is to remove the problematic substance and/or behaviors followed by a rigorous and honest look at the behaviors, attitudes, and thinking that keep the individual stuck in a cycle that is difficult to break. Let’s be honest…although not impossible, the rewards and the hijacked brain of those that use meth can make long-term recovery difficult but not impossible. It is not an uncommon phenomenon to see individuals return for a second, third, tenth or fifteenth treatment episode.

Because the pay-offs for using meth and engaging in sex can often be temporarily extremely rewarding and the brain reward system is hijacked by use, this reinforces the perceived pay-offs. It is crucial to have the individual take a look at the underlying issues that support these continued behaviors. As mentioned earlier, self-esteem, body image issues, need for validation, discrimination, shame, lack of confidence, feelings of inadequacy, internalized homo or bi-negativity, or the desire to escape or numb feelings and emotions, can all play into reasons for using. Other reasons may include the desire to feel powerful, seductive, to engage in sexual behaviors that aren’t considered part of the norm. Whatever the issues may be, the client must commit to begin exploring these issues in safe therapeutic relationships. In early recovery, it is also important that an individual commits to abstaining from meth use and sexual behaviors. It is very difficult to do the work that needs to be done if the individual is still engaging in these behaviors. This is not a permanent edict; at PRIDE we have found that individuals need time away from the behaviors in order to fully access their feelings and emotions, and not use these unhealthy coping measures to escape those feelings.

As an individual begins to uncover and articulate honestly the underlying issues that may be contributing to their behaviors, it is important that they also identify and acknowledge the pay-offs they have received from meth use and sexual activity. Whatever the pay-offs may be, it is important for the individual to begin exploring and identifying how these pay-offs can be gained in a healthy manner. If increased self-esteem is a pay-off for meth use, the individual must begin to identify, explore and practice healthy behaviors and thoughts that boost self-esteem.

It is imperative to talk about sober sex and how this may look to an individual. A safe and trusting space with like individuals can help normalize and allow for individuals to talk openly about issues that have led to or kept an individual stuck in the shame cycle. The individual must identify boundaries within their sexual life, and determine which behaviors and activities support their health and does not lead back to meth use. There are several models in the treatment of sexual behaviors that asks the individual to identify behaviors that are always unsafe to them, behaviors that may be unsafe, and behaviors that are always safe. The client identifies these behaviors and sets boundaries according to their where these behaviors fall in their identified boundaries. For example, a client who identifies that they cannot engage in fisting without using meth, then, particularly in early recovery, should avoid engaging in fisting activity. This is not to say that fisting cannot be eventually re-introduced to into the individual’s sexual repertoire, but it must be done slowly, with caution, and a safety plan created, should the client be triggered to use meth during this activity.

Part of this entire process is for the individual to identify their individual values and identify behaviors that support these values. If water sports are part of an individual’s value system and behaviors that do not lead to meth use, then by all means, get your fill. There is not judgment on the behavior. We are all sexual beings and have our likes and dislikes. The issue surfaces if and when a behavior/activity falls outside of the individual’s value system and engaging in these behaviors cannot be done without the use of meth.

It is of the utmost importance for individuals to talk about their likes and dislikes, their feelings and thoughts about sober sex and, moving forward, how these activities can be performed without the use of substances. Fantasy work can be a wonderful tool to help an individual begin identifying what they are seeking in their sexual lives and intimate relationships. The exercise can lead to building trust in a group and can offer insight into an individual.

At PRIDE Institute we have found that a group of individuals with the commonality of meth use and sexual behaviors, after establishing trust with each other, allows individuals to talk openly and without shame about their experiences. To know and understand that there are many other people who have similar or same experiences, is empowering and can help decrease the stigma and shame associated with meth use and sex. By normalizing experiences and talking openly with others about their sexual lives, the hope is that the individual can leave treatment and continue this work in support groups, individual therapy, or an identified meth and sex process group. In addition, there are a host of wonderful workbooks that can be utilized to move the client through recovery.

The interconnectedness of meth use and sexual activity is a difficult bind to break. It is not impossible, but it takes hard work, a willingness to go to any lengths to change, and the ability to be honest and vulnerable. Most individuals we have worked with at PRIDE Institute find comfort, support, and empowerment in doing this work with a group of like-minded individuals with a history of similar or shared experiences. The individual ultimately has to do the work, but they do not have to do it alone.

Now, if I could just quit planning my next meal….

Todd Connaughty, MA, LADC, Director of Clinical Services








On Friday, April 16, 2010, Derrick Robinson, President and Founder of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance and several key speakers came to Louisville, Kentucky to hold a Press Conference regarding Electromagnetic Assaults, Gang Stalking, Mind Control and V2K (Voice to Skull).

The Guest Speakers included, Rep. Jim Guest – Missouri House of Representatives, Michael Lauria – Commercial Airline Pilot, ret., Tim White – Telecommunications Engineer, Dr. Terry Robertson and several other distinguished guest which also includes victims of this crime. Many victims from across the nation also spoke about this crime.

The press conference was held on April 16, 2010 at 11:30 a.m. at Cornerstone Cottage, 3799 Bardstown Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40218 and the coming together of the victims was a great success. Though we invited several members of the media, the only media that was there and did a report regarding the meeting in Louisville was a radio Media person and Derrick Robinson (President of Freedom From Covert Harassement and Surveillance ) also conducted private taping for a documentatary which he plans to submit to Washington Officials.

Other events are being planned to call awareness to these horrific and deadly crimes.
One of which is as follows:

After discussing this idea with Leslie Crawford (another victim of this crime, located in Detroit, Michigan), I suggested to Derrick Robinson with Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance that we put together a day that everyone around the world goes to their local FBI and/or reporting agency on the same day, or close to the same day, (as some of us are in different time zones and different countries), to file a complaint regarding being targeted by electromagnetic assaults, gang stalking, mind control and v2k (voice to skull).

I suggested that we contact the media all over the world to inform them of the date that we will be going to our reporting agency to report these crimes. I think this will be a historical event and we cannot be ignored. So I advise everyone to start gathering all of the victims in their group/city/state and/or country and a date will be set for us to report these crimes collectively, which should have a great impact on getting assistance through Washington, getting the attention of the public and the media and the beginning of trying to slow down and/or stop these horrific and deadly crimes.


AND V2K (Voice to Skull)

There are many scientific explanations of what this technology can do, I wanted to give you a simple explanation. I contacted Timothy White – in New York City, New York – Telecommunications Engineer and cognitive countermeasures’ researcher to get an explanation anyone could understand and he stated the following:

“Thousands of ordinary U.S. citizens have become non-consensual victims of extreme low frequency neurobiological experimentation designed for the development of weapons systems that can monitor, control and change the brain-wave activity of the average citizen. We (Tim is also a victim) are victims of a technological arms race for the remote control of the mind.

The perpetrators of these crimes range from rogue elements of every level of government to corporations to private citizens. There are thousands of targeted victims across the country and the globe.

Identity Theft

Sabotage of Vehicle

Gang Stalking

Celebrity and/or Public Figures that are Victim/Survivors of Electronic Harassment and/or Gang Stalking, etc.:

RAY CHARLES JR. (SON OF RAY CHARLES, THE SINGER) is also a victim of Electronic Harassment. Do the following search in a search engine to pull up an audio interview of this young man “labvirus.wordpress.com, Ray Charles, Jr.,” then click on the website regarding “Audio Doug Miller and Ray Charles, Jr. on Today’s the Story Behind the Story, hosted by Dr. A. True Ott, PhD Nd, March 29, 2010.”
Note: They are attacking my mind through electromagnetic assaults, while I type this entry, it is June 15, 2010, 9:20 a.m.

CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF KANSAS 2010, MS. JOAN HEFFINGTON, is a TI (Targeted Individual). Hear her interview at “http://www.raubinandmegan.com/podcast.php When you get there scroll down to Joan Heffington. You may also go to Ms. Heffington’s website http://www.joanheffington.com to learn about her campaign.

(Implants left residue) Website http://www.larsonmedia.net click issues

(Stalking) Website: http://www.oneagleswingsfearnoevil.com

My prayer is: Dear Heavenly father, you said that anything that we ask in the name of your son Jesus, you would grant, and father we ask that you immediately put an end to these horrible atrocities against mankind, and we ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen


The torture consist of body overheating, body extremely cold, seizures, heart pain, ear aches, itching behind eyes, burning behind eyes, targeting pain to individual parts of the body, swelling, headaches, involuntary movement of limbs, exhaustion, speeding and heart racing, hair coming out by the handfuls as if you have had chemotherapy, mind paralyses, being hypnotized or placed in a trance type state, being tracked through your body like an animal, etc.

They can also intercept and control dreams. Sleep deprivation and constant harassment are used to makes it easier for the corrupt officials to use mind control. V2K/voice to skull – hearing someone talk to you and hologram type hallucinations – seeing things and some say actually smelling the odor of what you are seeing. This technology is used to make the person appear to have a mental problem. After all if someone states they are seeing and hearing things – which they actually are – they are perceived to be mentally unstable.

They are also using voice morphing to copy the voices of the victims, which they use to contact the victim’s family, friends and others pretending to be the victim. They also induce sexual stimulation, orgasm, play with your vagina, buttocks, and rape you internally while they watch you, as they have cameras or other devices that are able to watch your every movement in your home. I have personally been sexually assaulted while getting into the bathtub, had my buttocks played with while sitting on the toilet, lights flickered as I enter a room nude, and worse. I have also had the television turned off and on while watching and had the TV turned off because I was enjoying a TV program and was laughing out loud in my enjoyment. I have had my DVD player turned off as I walk away and turned on as I walk toward it and if I sing or dance or show enjoyment the music is stopped. The mind control can lead to death from heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms, and other natural causes, with the real cause of death -electromagnetic assaults and mind control – undetectable. The mind control can also make a victim commit suicide and even commit murder.

All electrical appliances are destroyed and car radios and even engines are destroyed. Cars are run off of the road and you are stalked and attacked constantly. All mail is intercepted (even registered, certified and express mail), birth certificates are changed and social security records are manipulated. Debts are increased, and jobs and businesses are destroyed.

You are monitored and/or tracked by Drones (airborne cameras), satellites, and illegal audio and video in your home.
All the time that this and more is happening to you, usually simultaneously, everyone is told that you have a mental problem or that you are under investigation.

Washington has not given permission for any official on any level to commit these acts.


Though some victims are chosen randomly. Some of us have discovered that if we filed a complaint with a company, corrupt official, etc. we could become “Targeted.” For example: Someone became targeted as a result of filing a complaint against a law firm. Another person became targeted because she filed against a dental office.

We have also discovered that victims are all over the world national and international.

Headache and Exhaustion

The following five (5) reasons identify why I was chosen to be a targeted individual (TI), which was a convenient way for Corrupt Officials to “shut me up” and cover up their crimes:

1) My grandchildren were illegally taken by the state for federal funding and also because my younger grandchild (who had a problem with his intestines at the time) was being beaten and made to go without food in the foster home of Sherrika White. He was also tied to a tree. My older grandchild was putting food in his pockets to feed the younger grandchild.

To cover up the crime the children were illegally placed for adoption by the state (Sky Tanghe and Mike Hartlage) and Judge Jerry Bowles (who was allowed to sit on the bench eventhough he had a problem with alcohol). The children were illegally adopted by a social worker (which is a conflict of interest) and placed on numerous drugs, (adderal, resperdal, topomax, depakote, amphetamine salts, etc.) and were taking approximately nine (9) pills per day.

2) I have a cd from a forensic analyst of my coworkers, (Mark Yates, Will Beard and Wilma Wilke) discussing killing me and taking me to the KKK. They also discussed a woman that Mark Yates handcuffed in a building. Mark Yates is also discussing a list that I have been placed on and once you get put on this list all the money in the world won’t save me, if they want you, you’re gone. He also recruited for this at Blue Grass Automotive and I overheard him state, “This thing is bigger than the KKK, everybody is in this thing” Mark said his uncle is in it and he is a big time (some kind of official) in an office. He further stated, judges, policeman, doctors everybody is in this thing.

I was also assaulted three (3) times by Tyler Stone and went to the hospital twice (once by ambulance). I also had bugs thrown in my hair. I also had to deal with Andy Vine (one of the owners) perverted email. I did not receive any assistance from the offices in Kentucky, which includes the FBI, EEOC, the Police, everything was covered up. I filed complaints against all of the above.

3) In 2009 it was stated to me by two (2) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) employees that the Bluegrass Hate Crimes were “Never sent to Washington” by the local Louisville, Kentucky F.B.I and that Washington makes the decisions on these types of cases. (see pages on this website entitled, “Bluegrass Assaults,” “EEOC” and my Home page regarding our visit to the local FBI in Louisville, KY. (It is 6:07 a.m. on Oct. 10, 2010 and they have been attacking my heart while I am typing this entry.)

Also see the pages on this website entitled, “Officials Denying Assistance,” and “Officials Direct Quotes.” On the page entitled, “Officials Denying Assistance” you will also see a document from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Louisville, Kentucky denying me assistance regarding the hate crimes that were committed against me. “This was a Conspiracy to Cover-up the Hate Crimes at Bluegrass Automotive.”

4) Rev. Coleman (now deceased), Elizabeth Elliott, Daniel and Pena Cobble, Rose Perry, Russell Wickliffe and Vicki Page and I filed a class action lawsuit against several Federal Judges in Louisville, Kentucky. The reason the lawsuit was filed is because cases were being dismissed without any discovery, people that qualified for forma pauperis were not being allowed forma pauperis, cases were being signed by clerks and they would refuse to say who the judges on the cases were, cases are supposed to be assigned by the computer randomly however the same judges – mainly Judge Heyburn and Judge Simpson – would always get the cases, etc.

5) Another reason that I believe I have been placed in this program is that I was also a victim of the Patriot Act and the illegal use of the NSL letters and the Exigent letters which illegally intercepted bank accounts, telephone lines, mail, etc. An outgoing message was placed on the Washington Dept of Justice telephone line stating that if you were a victim of these acts you may file a complaint with the Dept. of Justice Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Dept.

I did file a complaint and also filed numerous other complaints, inclusive of tapes, narration pages for tapes, bound journals w/table of contents, pictures, telephone problems (i.e., tapes of echoes, static, voice mail recording device w/a tele company getting stuck). I sent recorded problems w/every phone service and internet service (MCI, Bell South, Cingular, AT&T, Global, Insight, AOL, etc). I sent police reports (which were never investigated), pictures of the police stalking, etc. I sent a taped copy of a cd from a forensic analyst that I hired of co-workers discussing killing me and taking me to the KKK and discussing a woman that they handcuffed in a building, and I also sent a transcript from a court reporter that I hired of the tape of the employees discussing killing me, and I sent evidence of the three assaults that followed, however I never heard back from anyone. I later figured out that my mail was being illegally intercepted. Some of the tracking numbers for the the complaints filed, in which I never received a reply are:

A) Eric Holder – Certified Restricted Del – Article #70062150000289081197 – Received 9/1/09
B) Honorable Glen Fine – Certified – Article #70083230000030963383 – Received 6/24/09
C) Honorable Glen Fine – Registered – Article #RE454441554US – Mailed 4/1/09
D) Office of the Inspector General – Express Mail – Article #EH173202911US-Mailed 5/7/08
E) Honorable Michael Mukasey – Express Mail – Article #EB306719677US – Mailed 11/22/07
F) Honorable Alberto Gonzales, Atty General – Certified Mail – Article #70051160000371274583 – Received 6/13/05

G) After calling Washington and being told that I could fax a Hardship Case, I faxed the following on 6/10/05:
Hardship Case faxed to the President on 06/10/2005 @ 11:12, received confirmation of fax on 06/10/2005 at 11:18. The fax was faxed to (202) 456-2461. The fax was faxed from (502) 375-9567. The fax was faxed from Kinkos – Highland Location, Louisville, KY. Pages sent – 15. Comments: I am a victim of a hate crime. Please rad the attached as I have not received assistance from my U.S. Attorney General’s Office and they know my local F.B.I. is severely harassing me.

The Spiritual Dimension of Carla Washburn (the Biopsychosocio-spiritual aspects of a clients’ profile)

mothers day

The Spiritual Dimension of Carla Washburn final Apa 3

The Spiritual Dimension of Carla Washburn
Paul Goree
Arizona State University 2013

This essay will explore James Fowler work titled, Stages of Faith- the Psychology of Human Development: and it’s psychotherapeutic applications, in dealing with individual faith over the course of a life time. In addition, the connotations of spirituality and aging will be examined, as they are presented by Dr. Margaret Waller, in her work The Spiritual Dimension for Assessing Human Functioning. It is from these works that a better understanding of spirituality and its role in a client’s biopsychosocial spiritual profile can be defined and used by social workers.
In this essay I will document a firm foundation of the spiritual dimension and its importance to social practitioner’s life. A compare and contrast of Fowler’s Theory will demonstrate the variance that occurs with a change in variables. This will be accomplished by using the case client study of Carla Washburn, provided by Alice A. Lieberman on the New Directions in Social Work website, http://www.routledgesw.com/. The variables that will be examined will be sex and age.
The intent of this essay, is to demonstrate the role of spirituality in the biopsychosocial spiritual dimension of a client’s assessment profile. It also will provided insightful conclusions by which a social practitioner can evaluate the differences of individual’s behavior, as it is affected by sub-systems and environments.

Keywords: spirituality, aging, stages of faith theory

The Spiritual Dimension of Carla Washburn
The opening of James Fowler’s work, Stages of Faith- The Psychology of Human Development provides intriguing questions Fowler sought to utilize in a workshop on faith. The questions expanded upon the notion of faith and its meaningful purpose in an individual’s life (Fowler, 1995). Fowler states that from the questions he “examined the structure of values, the patterns of love and action, the shape of fear and dread and the directions of hope and friendship in my life” (p.3). Fowler concluded that the entirety of these questions, revolved around faith. With faith we are able to process meaningful life patterns that occur throughout our life (p.4).

Fowler finalized his work, by categorizing 7 stages of spiritual growth an individual will endure. The stages are patterned like Eric Erikson’s, Stages of Psychosocial Development, providing age range and attributed behavior (Walker, n.d.). The stages are:

  • Stage 1 Primal-Undifferentiated Faith,
  • Stage 2 Intuitive-Projective,
  • Stage 3 Mythic –Literal, Stage
  • Stage 4 Synthetic-Conventional,
  • Stage 5 Individual-Reflective, Stage (my current stage),
  • Stage 6 Conjunctive Faith and
  • Stage 7 Universalizing Faith- Maslow’s Actualization (Roger, p.316).

These stages define several characteristics Fowler detailed in his work, such as the German word Einbildungskaft: which means “power” (p.24). The stages bring forward two genral concepts: The ideal of faith being “relational” – (concept of a personal relationship with GOD, and how that conveys into our social relationships-family, friends, love, community,etc). (p.16). and  A difference between faith and religion (p.12).

When reviewing the client case study of Carla Washburn, it is evident that these characteristics and stages follow through. Carla Washburn is 76 years old, has type 2 diabetes, occasionally attends church, and is in a grief support group. Carla’s grief is over her grandson who died in Afghanistan. Carla also has lost her son and his wife to a car accident. Although Carla’s grief seems heavy: She seems to have a grasp of Fowler’s understanding of, power, relational and the difference between faith and religion. Carla is in Stage 6 of Fowler’s structural development.

At Stage 6,  Carla seems to be transcending reality beyond emotional duress, by accepting the factors of what is existent. In the grief support group, Carla makes it very clear that she did not want to attend the sessions. But seeming it was a church group (of which she attends church) and seeming that her sister kept insisting: she decided to come. At this point Carla seems to have self-defined the role of the church/religion and faith (Lieberman, 2013). The differentiation of the group being for crisis resolution; and the group being for faithful passage is apparent. The difference can be found in the enjoyment Carla details having with her grandson, compared to Carla disinterest in the groups’ crisis support resolution. She expresses joyfully statements such as, “He even played tea with me…I listened to him…I was there for him and he was there for me”. These statements convey spiritual dynamics which Fowler detailed as “relational” (p. 16). It’s during stage 6,  that the individual “demythologizes” the literal meanings and symbols, creating a self- understanding of faith as it is referenced to spiritual and religion as to church, fellowship, etc. (Exploring Spiritual Development, 2009).

Fowler’s 6 Stage Conjunctive Faith, is also represented by Carla’s ability to overcome adversity and having meaning and purpose. This could be seen in Carla’s dialogue with Beverly about her son who died of an over dosage. Beverly is insistent that her son’s girlfriend is an intervening problem and cause of his death. Carla express sternly dialogue, for Beverly to come to terms of her son, as he really was and his responsibility to himself. She is not advising Beverly, but simply pointing out the conjunctive and non-conjunctive aspects of what is real!  Carla explains the difference of Beverly’s son, who died of an over dosage as being a completely different ordeal than her grandson who died honorably in the UNITED STATES ARMY. Her grandson died honorably-with respect of his responsibilities. Thus she doesn’t feel it necessary to conventional grieve. She is proud of her grandson and the abundance of love she provided to him as a child, comforts her now. Whereas Beverly son, died of irresponsibility of substance usage. That is why you are grieving. Beverly needs to accept the reality of the difference and the reality of her sons, actions. Which are separate from the emotional associations, which sometimes are tied to symbols and formalized patterns of behavior.


If Carla were a 20 year old caucasian male, then the characteristics of her behavior (essences) would be different according to Fowler’s Stages. Carla as Carl, would be in Stage 4 Synthetic Conventional . Fowler states that such individuals, are in a stage of anxiety aroused by responsibility of religious freedom. The individual may be angst with the complexity of faith, as they question conflicts which arise in their life against faith. As Carl, Carla might ask common emotional questions such as, “Why did her grandson had to die? Why did her son have to die in the auto accident? How can God be so good, yet create so much pain with death?” (Exploring Spiritual Development, 2009).

When approaching Carl, Fowler’s Stage development provides a social practitioner with helpful cues. For example at Stage 4, using strength developing techniques, allows the client to be self-determinant. This could assist Carl with increase awareness of his beliefs and their roots, making this reflective period more effective. However using that same approach with Carla at Stage 5 would not be as effective. At stage 5 Individual-Reflective,  it would be effective to utilize techniques that emphasized relationship, “I-Thou relationships” (Berk, 2010). At Stage 5 an individual is more confident in their faith and thus not in need of reaffirmation of what they have conceived as faith.

Berk, E. Laura. (2010). Resilience: agreeableness and acceptance of change. Development through the life span (5th ed.) Retrieved from http://www.pearsonhighered.com/berkls5epreview/assets/pdf/berk_ls5e_ch18.pdf

Exploring Spiritual Development. (2009). James Fowler’s stages of faith development. [Web log]. Retrieved from http://www.exploring-spiritual-development.com/JamesFowlersStages.html

Fowler, W. James. (1995). Stages of faith-the psychology of human development and quest for meaning. New York, NY. Haper Collins.

Lieberman, A. Alice. (2013). Carla Washburn’s grief support. [Video]. Retrieved from http://www.routledgesw.com//washburn/engage/video

Rogers, T. Anissa. (2013). Human behavior in the social environment. New York, NY: Routledge.

Waller, Margaret. (n.d.). The spiritual dimension for assessing human functioning. Faulkner. Retrieve from http://ww2.faulkner.edu/admin/websites/jfarrell/Spiritual%20dimensions%20of%20human%20functioning.pdf

De Mon Faire – Question of Ethics



DMF 11/11/2012 (1st 11:11 nov 10th)

De Mon Faire translates to, Of My Maneuvers. I started working on a self discovery in 2010, in hope of resolving some issues within myself and give my soul a very much needed, tune-up. My intended effort would be primarily based on spiritual development, by which I allowed myself to be open minded to all material of self-actualization and spiritual awakening. If I truly desired to discover and then empower myself, I would need to let all sources of manifestations be equal in their existence. This thorough self-examination was going to be an intentional effort to recognize and then pull energy towards me; which would increase my vibration level of consciousness. It seems many are instinctively experiencing similar desires related some sort of coherent social spiritual awakening.

Thus far there are #15 manuscript of the entire work. Each manuscript, is titled De Mon Faire #1-#15, and detailed various sociological, ecology, anthropology, psychological, astronomy, theology, and spiritual theories and accredited works by leading theorist and authors. It was my intent to digest naturally whatever ideologies moved me spiritually, and with some detailed self actualization establish a spiritual portrait of myself, an inventory of my abilities and a self assured state of mind, that would guide me more effectively, as I continued my soul code journey.

Some of the leading authors/theorist were, James Hillman, Malcome Gladwell, Carl Jung, Hank Wessleman, Wayne Dyer, John Pokinghorne,Doc Childre, Thomas Hobbes, Saul Alinsky, George Orwell, the Bible, etc. The first step in my blinded agenda, was to declare a truth to myself. If I were solely responsible for knowing one truth of life on earth, what would it be? From that one truth, the rest of De Mon Faire would naturally evolve. Everything would magically seemed linked-this aspect I later learned to be SYCHRONICITY by Carl Jung.

The one truth I declared in De Mon Faire #1, is from the Bible, Hebrews 11:1. ” Faith is all things hoped for and trust in the invisible force of creation”. From the day I took ownership of this powerful truth, my life began to slowly evolve and I became enlighten to the most wonderful relationship I had ever had. The personal relationship between God/the Universe and I.

The following is an insert from De Mon Faire #15 (which is currently being lived). When I started this amazing journey, I had faith but was not consciously aware of it’s inherent power. Little faith, leads to little belief in the self, creation and life abilities. Since having secured a full conscious awareness of faith, I have leaped spiritually and physically. As of now De Mon Faire is in creation. From the beginning I felt that if it turned out to be useful in my life, I would edit my personal “faire” versions, into a collective version, to do what is the natural thing to do, give back to the Universe/God, that which was given/channeled through me.

DE Mon Faire #15 Entry 2: (11-11-12)

I finally have an understanding of my order which from every perceived manner, seems like madness/chaos: Yet to me sEems so perfectly clear (ex: I spelled sEems, the way I did, because the capital E would be considered a typo, but from my point of view, sEems, still resulted in the same out come as “seems”, so why worry about it.) It has to do with my core ethics: In DMF#1 and #2 I questioned and examined my character. This was a good starting point, but character is streamed from ethics and moral.

At this very moment I am taking an Ethic course (through the writing of De Mon Faire, I have returned to college in 2011 to continue my degree) whereby the core theme is an understanding of varied ethically approaches and facilitation in behavior and thought. Naturally we base our ethical disposition on a mixture of standard approaches, resulting in varied opinions regarding, what is ethically accepted behavior and what is not. My core ethical principle (which streams my every behavior and thought) is DEONTOLOGICAL. This ethical approach asserts that our duty and rights should be independent from the consequences. An individuals intent is more relevant than result. The primary theorist of this ethical approach is Immanuel Kant. In general, Kant considers “The Formula of The End In Itself”: this is one of Kants Supreme Principle Categorical Imperatives. This philosophy asserts “each of our acts reflects one or more maxims. The maxim of the act is the principle on which one sees oneself as acting. A maxim expresses a person’s policy…the principle underlying the particular intention or decision on which he or she acts…whenever we act intentionally, we have at least one maxim and can, if we reflect, state what it is…each person assumes that the other has maxims of his or her own…and is not …to be manipulated.” (May et al, pg.39-40)

I associate Kants mutual maxims, with individualism. I firmly, live, breath and practice individualism- everyone has a right to individually believe whatever it is they believe and have it exist as a portion of the whole. So it becomes difficult for any one sector to deny, prevent or diminish another individual beliefs.

Associated with the ideal of individualism is Liberty, Freedom and self responsibility. So the actions I create are my responsibility and I accept I am obligated to them, for I created them. Thus at all times each of us is an active, willing participant in the affairs of events: 50-50.

I know that I’m responsible for all my acts and thoughts, as I go through the regular denial process into acceptance. Thus I expect everyone else to be the same. But the world operates on varied planes, and I should not discard any of these (all exist as one) : however, nor should I change my bar of ethics either.
From the Deontological approach, I can, not agree, but I must also acknowledge that what I don’t agree to, has a RIGHT to not agree either.

Understanding this helps me recognize my actions and beliefs. It has helped me realize I do what I do and how I relate to people. I assume it’s because I don’t seek to change a person- the only thing I seek to accomplish is the better positive state of life. I acknowledge the opposite of this rose-colored glass view has a proper right to exist in our reality, and my only intent is to co-exist, while practicing my angle.

When I meet people I let them exist as they are (even when they try to persuade, fault or correct me). I remain me and let them proceed as they would, even if it is destructive for me. I do this because upon an encounter, if another has any deception or ignorance, there is nothing I can do to prevent them from changing their ways, unless they ask for assistance. If I continue to associate with them, then I am responsible for my actions as I follow them down a mal path. The rational thing to do is to avoid these types of relationships (as an individual, I am not ethically obligated to trust everyone-I have a choice and self will), but as it is a known fact, fate unfolds, whereby unlikely pairs are place together, headed towards a collision. I take the collision and consider it an excerpt or test from God/Universe- knowing that in the end, I will gain from the unintended relationship.

In the end, I remain true to my principles of ethic, and simply was deterred momentarily, which the universe (God) always seems to compensate for (Karma). Yes I was paired with a collision in waiting, but in the course of that collision I met some other people who internalized aspects of my demeanor. Or I may met some people who contributed to my beliefs, who I would not have met had I not been a co-factor of a fated collision. There are many possibilities of outcome, but the primary factor is I end up benefiting from paired associations. This is because I have faith and intentionally look for the good in all things.

Now there are time when I might say to another, “if we go that way we will fall off a cliff.” It is not my responsibility nor right to prevent that person from continuing to go down an ill fated path. Conventionally this can be seen in substance abuse. I can inform a person of the possible consequences of substance abuse, but there is no feasible way for me to prevent them from doing what is their natural right and individual willed.

I do correlate my ethical beliefs with the macro societal value, and thus there will be moment when I (as well as every other citizen) is obligated to intervene. Example a child is in harms way, a disable person is unaware of a speeding car, someone burns down city hall, etc. My involvement in these non-negotiated societal obligations does not diminish my individual ethic, nor give me concrete judgment of another, it simply places me as an obligated individual removed from the course of action of another.

Another important aspect of this ethically approach is although I affect through reflection, I do not place demands upon that which has an individual right to exist. All I can do is remain true to myself and be a sort of role model of that which I am of.

Delston, Jill, May, Larry, Wong Kai. (2011). Applied Ethics:A Multicultural Approach 5th Edition.Prentice Hall

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